Chapter 12 ♚

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(Levi's POV)

The day was finally over and I was relieved at the thought of just resting my eyes when I get home. My life turned out to be peaceful without the help of Eren. My life would be very hectic if Petra were still around. Gosh, I hate her.

But then again, I feel this feeling in me that I'm missing Eren, too. Tch, who needs a troublesome, impulsive brat like him anyway...? Ugh... I don't even know what I'm saying. Although, I missed him being around. And that shitty letter he sent me, still hanging on my fridge.


I forgot to ask too, why did he needed to go?

I walked out the building and started walking home. I was expecting Eren would be there, like he always does... And that letter he left came to mind.

I just hope he comes back... Wait, hold on, okay.... Why the heck am I worrying if he doesn't come back at all!? I thought as I shook the thought off.

"Tch, stop it, stop worrying over a shitty vampire," I mumbled to myself. It was still hard to believe he's a vampire.

"Tch..." I picked my pace up and started walking faster. I felt as if a pair of blood red eyes were watching me from afar, so I knew I had to get home as quick as possible.

(At Home)

I ran inside the building and ran to my apartment. I was shocked after hearing footsteps following behind me constantly, at the same pace I was going. I took it steady and slid behind my door after closing it. I inhaled deeply and sighed in the end.

Then, a sound caught my attention and shot my look at the direction where my kitchen window was.

"Oh sorry, I had to come back," He breathed heavily almost seemingly he was being chased down by someone.

"Brat... You came back!" I beamed of happiness. In fact, I never felt this happy in my life just seeing a brat like him. Also, it felt queer smiling, too.


A/n: Hope ya'll like it! There, happy?^^ HE came back. But we all know who did ;)



Hepaven OUT

Crimson Rose {Ereri/Riren} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now