The start of a war

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The two clash and exchange blows.Cletus does very well despite his lean build,but Spidey has a mysterious feeling that this is more than simple superhuman strength.He FEELS something,something malicious and dark. Spider-Man kicks Cletus in the face and sends him back,he is stunned and falls to his knees. Spider-Man is about to wrap him in webs but Cletus chuckles as suddenly-

 Spider-Man is about to wrap him in webs but Cletus chuckles as suddenly-

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A dark aura bursts from his body and pushes Spidey back.
Spider-Man:What-what is this?!
Cletus cackles maniacally as the dark surge creates a pressure in the entire building.
Cletus:I'll tell you.THIS is my intentions, urges,and bloodlust all turnt into a destructive force that bends to my will.The Satsui no Hado!
Cletus cackles as the violent energy swirls in his hands and form two balls of energy. Spider-Man is about to rush,but Cletus appears right in front of him and slams one of the energy balls into his chest.Cletus cackles and slams the other nervy ball into the the forts as they glow brightly,the energy burst and send Spider-Man crashing into a wall.Cletus rushes at him,but is suddenly hit by a beam of seismic energy. Cletus is sent flying as Spidey looks to his left to see shocker.
Spider-Man:Y-you came back?!
Shocker:I-I don't know why...I-I couldn't just watch you fight by yourself.
Cletus groans and gets up.As he does he spits the briefcase,joy fills his face.
Cletus:There you are my precious.
Cletus is about to pick up the briefcase but shocker blasts him away again.
Shocker:We can't let him get that case!
Spider-Man:What's in it?
Shocker:It's a bioweapon.It's called "The devil's breath".
Spider-Man:What could he want with a bioweapon?
Shocker:Don't know,and I'd rather NOT.
Cletus gets up and lunges at the two.The three fight and exchange blows,with shockers help, Spidey is able to push Cletus back.Shicker kicks Cletus in the gut as Spidey continuously punches Cletus in the face.Cletus stumbles backwards,but Spidey doesn't stop.He continues to punch until he throws one last punch and slams Cletus into the ground.Cletus chuckles as he bursts not with energy,but fire. Spider-Man is sent flying as Cletus rises.He maniacally cackles.Cletus rushes at the two and gets better as he fights.He kicks Spidey away and uppercuts shocker.Shocker land sand lets out a large blast.Cletus is sent flying as some of his skin is torn away,not that he cares,he's too blinded by the battle.
Cletus rushes at shocker,he shoots a large blast,but Cletus disappears and suddenly appears in front of him.Cletus throws a punch as his fist impales shocker's stomach.
Spider-Man tackles Cletus and suplexes him, but he doesn't stop there.Spider-Man flips over Cletus and continues to suplex and flip over him. Spider-Man then leaps into the air and brings Cletus with him.Spider-Man spins in the air as they descend,eventually,Spidey throws Cletus into the floor and cracks it.Spider-Man descends fast as he punches Cletus in the face.
Spider-Man immediately goes over to shocker.
Spider-Man:Are you okay?!
Shocker:Fuck no!I-I have a hole in me!I-I don't think I'm gonna make it!
Spider-Man:No!No!Please,you have to make it!I-I can't let you die!I-I have to-
Shocker:SHUT UP!
Spider-Man silently and sorrowfully stares at shocker.Shocker coughs up a large amount of blood and begins speaking his final words.
Shocker:Listen kid,you did all you could,you couldn't have stopped it.
Spider-Man:But-but I COULD have done better!I should have!
Shocker:So what?Just cause you should do something doesn't mean you can kid. Sometimes,you gotta throw the towel in and find another way.
Spider-Man looked down hopelessly,there IS another way.That way...would be taking Cletus's life.But-but he can't!What would everyone think?!What would his aunt think?
As Spidey is distracted,Cletus finds the case and grabs it.
Cletus:See you around.
Spider-Man rushes over to Cletus,but he suddenly disappears in a burst of energy.
Suddenly,an alarm goes off as the large device in the room starts trembling.
Spidey looks at a ledge to see Otto.
Otto:Your battle damaged the reactor!You have to turn the coolants on or it'll explode and we all die!
Spider-Man looks to the reactor,and it is LARGE.If it bursts,it could destroy the entire building,and maybe even damage the city. Spidey rushes around the entire lab and turns on the coolants.Spider-Man tries to get the last one but it's too far.The reactor rumbles as everything starts shaking.
Otto:I'll get it!
Spider-Man:No,it's too dangerous!
Otto ignores Spidey and runs to the last coolant,he tries to activate it,but it explodes in his face.He runs back to his office and starts doing something.Spidey rushes over to his office.
Spider-Man:What are you doing?!
Otto:I can activate the blast doors!Even if the reactor explodes,it shouldn't harm the city if the blast doors close!
Spider-Man:How will you get out!?
Otto:...I-I won't.
Spider-Man is about to break the door down when a metallic hard door closes over it. Spider-Man uses his full power and punches it but he cannot break it no matter how hard he tries!
Otto shouts through the blast doors.
Spider-Man hyperventilates and goes down to shocker.He lifts him up,unsure if he's alive or dead.He rushes out of the building onto the open street.He looks back as the building is completely covered in metal plates.It glows as some of the metal plates jut out and break. Everyone gets scared and scurries away,but the plates move no further.Spidey lays shocker down and listens to his chest...there is nothing. Shocker is dead.The world slows down around him and loses its color once again.Memories of everyone Spidey has met flash in his mind.His parents?
Fire and grave flashes through his mind as his hairs start to spaz out.They start pointing out in every direction as Spidey fells his skin tearing away.His uncle?
His body flashes in Spidey's mind again.He stands back and falls down in the fetal position. The officer?
The hole in his chest flashes through his mind, and now...shocker.
Spider-Man:It's all my fault,it's all my fault!DAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!

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