What the hell did just happen!

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I woke up early as planned and decided to go for a jog. The previous day, I had asked my warden about nearby parks, and she mentioned one just 15 minutes away from my PG. I asked Ananya if she wanted to join me, and while she had agreed yesterday, this morning she was still sleeping and declined. So, I quickly got dressed and headed out alone.

I chose a pair of body-hugging leggings and a crop top, tying my hair up into a high ponytail. As I walked briskly to the park, the cool morning air invigorated me. Once there, I began walking along the pathway designated for joggers, gradually picking up the pace until I was jogging steadily.

While I was jogging, I heard a voice behind me call out, "Hi." I turned around and saw a tall, striking man approaching. His height was impressive-tall enough that I barely reached his shoulders, even though I'm 5'4", which is pretty average for a girl. As he drew closer, he repeated his greeting. His lips, a soft shade of pink, parted to reveal a hint of an accent-Italian, if I wasn't mistaken. I have a fascination with languages, and I was almost certain that's what it was.

I couldn't help but notice his sharp features: chiseled jawline, deep-set eyes, and a gaze that was both intense and captivating. His dark hair was tousled just enough to give him an effortlessly handsome look, and his broad shoulders and well-built physique were impossible to ignore. Everything about him exuded strength and control, yet there was a certain warmth in his eyes that drew me in.

Just as I was about to respond to his greeting, his attention suddenly shifted. He looked over his shoulder as someone from a distance seemed to signal him. His expression changed, and he quickly glanced toward the road visible from the park. The park was fenced and surrounded by trees, providing some cover from the busy road just beyond. Four black cars had come to a sudden stop right outside the park, skidding to a halt.

Before I could even reply, a gunshot rang out, echoing through the park. I froze in place, my heart pounding in my chest. Before I could react, the man in front of me swiftly pulled out a gun from behind his back and pointed it toward the newcomers. The park, which had seemed so peaceful just moments before, erupted into chaos. People around us started running in panic, a stampede ensued, and it became clear that a confrontation between two armed groups was unfolding right before my eyes.

I stood there, paralyzed with fear, when I suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders. It was the same man, now pulling me close to him, shielding me with his body. His other hand held the gun steady, firing back at the men who had arrived in the black cars. Despite the chaos, his hold on me was protective and firm, making me feel safer even amidst the gunfire.

His actions were swift and decisive, and even in such a terrifying moment, I couldn't help but notice the way his muscles tensed under his shirt, the precision with which he moved, and the calm determination in his eyes as he defended us. He was like a hero straight out of a movie, and despite the danger, I found myself unable to look away from him.

I noticed a few men had been injured by gunfire, though fortunately, there didn't seem to be any casualties as far as I could tell. The number of men on both sides began to dwindle, the once chaotic scene gradually losing its intensity. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and turned to see a man standing right there, a gun pointed directly at my head. My heart stopped-I thought this was it, the last moment of my life. My mind went blank, consumed by sheer terror, and without thinking, I instinctively grabbed onto the man who had been protecting me, seeking any semblance of safety.

His attention snapped back to me, his eyes quickly assessing the situation. Then, with a speed that left me breathless, he shifted his focus to the man threatening me. Before I could even register what was happening, the gunman behind me was on the ground, a bullet wound clean through his forehead. The man who had just seconds ago held a gun to my head was now lying lifeless, blood pooling beneath him. The sight shook me to my core-never in my life had I witnessed such violence up close. It was like something out of a movie, only this was terrifyingly real.

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