Choice or Obligation?

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I shot up from the bed in my hotel room, where I had collapsed after a long, exhausting day of work. Things here were going well—better than in Delhi, actually. I had found a location that fit my needs perfectly. But after talking to Aayra, my mind was in turmoil. I couldn't let her go. I wouldn't. She was the first person in my life I felt I needed forever, and I was about to lose her now.

I could sense her insecurity, her hesitation, but I was determined to make her feel secure, to show her that she mattered more than anything. Without wasting another second, I called Dante and ordered him to get the plane ready. As I hurried to get dressed, I instructed Dante to call Alessandro, the man I trusted almost as much as him, who usually stayed close to my father. I needed Alessandro to take over the work here while I returned to Delhi.

I had to see her, to make things right. Whatever my profession might be, I was determined that she would never have to bear a single scratch because of it. Within thirty minutes, everything was in place. Dante and I headed to the airport, where the crew and my men were already waiting for me. I boarded the plane, my mind set on one thing: getting back to Aayra and making sure she understood just how much she meant to me.

 I boarded the plane, my mind set on one thing: getting back to Aayra and making sure she understood just how much she meant to me

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The flight took off smoothly, and within two hours, I was already there. My desperation to see her was so intense that I didn’t even consider stopping by my place first. Straight from the airport, we headed directly to her place. I couldn't wait any longer.

My men had already put the fear of God into her warden the first day I arrived, and I knew that woman wouldn’t dare utter a word when I showed up or wanted to see Aayra. When my men approached her this time, she tried to make a few feeble excuses, her voice trembling with fear, but eventually, she pleaded with them to be quiet so as not to disturb the other residents. I wasn’t in the mood for negotiations. I bolted upstairs, already knowing her room number and floor.

As I reached her door, I noticed it was slightly ajar. Without wasting a moment, I pushed it open and stepped inside. There she was, lying on her bed, seemingly asleep. I stopped in my tracks, my breath catching in my throat as I took her in.

The soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window fell gently on her face, illuminating her features in a way that made her look ethereal. Her skin had a natural blush, a soft warmth that contrasted beautifully with the cool light. Her hair was spread across the pillow, a dark halo that framed her delicate face. She looked so peaceful, so pure, that it was hard to believe she was real.

I stood there, mesmerized, my eyes tracing the gentle curve of her cheeks, the delicate line of her jaw, and the softness of her lips. She was breathtaking. I could see the slight rise and fall of her chest with each breath, and it took everything in me not to walk over and gather her in my arms right then and there.

The way her long lashes cast shadows on her cheeks, the way her lips parted slightly as she slept, the serenity of her expression—it all made my heart ache with a tenderness I had never felt before. How could someone be this beautiful, this perfect, and yet so unaware of the power she had over me?

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