—*Emollient shouting of heart *—
                                  ( I )
Park Yn an anthesisologst at Hie Seok care always foresee a sustain chance to get companyed by a philosopher . Nevertheless her schedule always hurtle and clasp her in scope. She would feel hurt if she break the limits she'd set in sake of a life in society. Though she's been a rebellion against the prejudice.

" It is not good to keep the pain to yourself. Sharing could help feel better " Gon-Jo abided the instruction given by Yn a minute ago. YN attempted to free herself from him as soon as she could. She played diplomatic and answered in little words ' focus on your work . You'll eat entire of Japchae if it burns. ' Gon-Jo made a annoying face and concentrate in the mission of making a breakfast with his sister.

" I'm going to wash up myself. Manage the utensils after finishing cooking Japchae " Yn repeated the words while clutching her clothes and she off to bathroom.

" why she doesn't get the thing I'm a grown up man and know all kitchen stuffs too " He whispered and made sure if she didn't heard.

" Did you said something?hyeongje "  Yn shouted and Gon Jo did so with a reply ' It's nothing Nuna '

Yn returned drying her hairs to the dinning table . The house filled the fragrance of sesame oil , ingredient used making Japchae. Yn side sitting and eating the stir-fried glass noodles aka Japchae with her brother. Interlude of morning was boredom for Gon-Jo he wanted to add a few enthusiasm. He coughed ' I should work as Baemin's cook . What do you think about it Nuna ?'

' I've nothing in my mind about you being a Baemin's cook ' Yn replied digging in her noddles. Of course her exclamation gave him the aches in heart. Though he said ;  why you act like a Hitler ?

' you consider me as a Hitler , hyeongje ' Yn laughed and left the place holding her plate to kitchen. Gon left opening jaw thinking a absurdity changes into fun. Times changes into her leaving and she exchanged farewells with Gon Jo and praised him to ramble around companies needing a Hacker . She smiled at him and skipped for duty.

The same prosperous and healthy life has been distributing by the hospital staffs to people. Yn stood to see a person who was handicapped. another one sick and unable to drink water. Others were winching by different injury. Those all acts was obvious to her though also a demosiling peace.

a drowsy spectre of fret wrapped her heart additionally she was determined about the moto of ' They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them ' . She leaned forwarded to her new appointment. She stepped stride but noblely. 

while carrying a curious eyes park Yn outbid while a allies heart was pounding to meet her . Yn found her adieued junior of High school , Tyoin . In the garment of cardigan and trouser with twin braided hairs reflecting a tranquil armour of hers. Tyoin flashes a extraordinary smile to yn.

She sang enthusiastically"  eotteohge jinae? ( How do you do ? )she paused " Yn seonsaengnim ( dr. Yn ) "

Park Yn seemed pleasantly peculiar . She chereed,that actually didn't seen on her ; Tyoin,dangsin-eun yeogi isseubnida?( you're here ?)

" Usually people come to the hospital for checkup. " the testimony given by Tyoin. Yn embarassed and overwhelmed ; No I didn't meant that.
Before yn could speak more Tyoin intrigued by her own exclaimed ; Let's grab some cans.

' let me ask first if I have any appointment ' she rushed to reception while Tyoin followed her husing her abided curiosity to know if she went to church yesterday . Tyoin stood behind Yn optimisting the beauty of medical.
Then a dead body passes infront of her eyes determining it's last destination. The contiguous optimisation shrivel to agony. Nevertheless she had to live with truth. But she wanted to enjoy the fresh air of seoul.

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