—  *There were merse tragic *—

                                    ( I )

Park Yn abstained her alley's willing to drop her to home . Beyond everything her willing rejoiced always in isolation and finding a path to be in her own aura apart from the material world.

Her eyes went to the sedentary boy in stairs making dance the twig on his fingertips . With the rapid gathering of hands on clock he made out his artwork , a mother with her baby.Yn glanced his potrait made in soil ; Did you waited long?.

His equilibrium jostled towards Yn that's made him shake his head ; Nah, I never waits for somebody . Yn stepped forward to house and entered the password ' Did I told you the house password? ' . Gon penetrates hands into his blackish denim and looked again at streetlight ; I might be slough to known house password .

Yn twirl her eyes to Gon-Jo ' did I ever nagged you Gon ? why are you always looking at streetlight? Didn't I told you house password the other day? ' Her voice touches pitches ; Didn't you heard? look towards me . He rigid on his decision and did'nt change his stares ; ' You're not artble to admire' and he enters the gate.

Flunging the hand bag Yn stroll through kitchen. enveloping the moments of time she emerged a bowl of Hangover soup and steady the chowki while Gon just dappered himself in night garments and was ready to prance to kitchen . In her adjourn Gon Jo sat to dinner and completed . Rinsing the bowl to kitchen she mumbled, when Gon went up to inside kitchen ; I'll talk to mother don't be anxious about her .

" I'm not anxious I'm just — " Gon took the bowl from her and expunge it. She replace her glances to him sayin ; You went for a job. any progress? . He sigh and informed ; ' Manger didn't recieved any interview beacuse CEO hasn't arrived . He said nothing works on without ceo's permission '

where you went? ' said Yn .
" At Dixion " Gon clutches water glass and cherish his dried throat. water glass detects it's magicey onto GonJo and he uttered ; where were you? a date? .
" I'm an anthesisologst. we don't even get time to eat properly you're talking about dates."

Gon Jo raised eyebrow when his eye went the clirnk of eyeshadow near her eye " You'd eroded makeup . since when you started doing ...girly things? " . Yn cherished her throat along and answered ; If you forgotten Iet me remind you...I'm woman too. He comment on her ; though you are not like a woman.

what you exactly want to say,Gon ?; said she. He stretch hands to boast ; I mean, you don’t behave like the typical woman. You're more like one of those tough men in the family—the ones whom shoulder have entire of liability.

Yn paused, letting his words settle before responding. she crossed her sleeves  "does that really blemishe the vanity of my feminine?— whatever it is let it pass , Hmm . she banged his shoulder softly and a smile glowed curved his lips .

Gon began to ramble around stairs to rooftop then his sister intrigued from the room ; don't awake for late night. lay on room early . Gon chuckles adding a scream ; come to rooftop I'd brought some soju . He recieved a shouting back that made him laughing " There is no job, just waste the money... huh! . 

The skyline of Seoul stretched endlessly before him, the lights of the city twinkling like distant stars. He took a deep breath, the crisp air filling his lungs with a rush of exhilaration. "How silly I was to stay away from this place for so long," he muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his face as he raised his bottle of soju.

In the siblings Yn was elder who've staring the beauty of lited city . Her hair catching the same playful breeze.  She sighed the Joy of person she met after years . He probably had a effection place in her heart. she grabbed a can . She shook her head, but couldn't hide the smile tugging at her lips.

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