Chapter 12

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Life is hectic right now—I missed a lot of work because of being sick and I have a few close family weddings to attend this week and the following ones. I may or may not be able to publish next week... I'm not sure yet. Everything depends on how things work out.

Jin paced back and forth in Namjoon's home office with his phone clutched tightly in his hand. The device vibrated continuously with notifications, each one notifying fresh new articles posted about Hoseok and Taehyung. And most of those were filled with stories about how the fans were 'disappointed ' in both of them . Especially Hoseok as they think he betrayed trust by hiding his real sexuality from public. Despite everyone begging him to stay off social media, Jin couldn't stop himself...he was too worried about Hoseok!

He couldn't believe the depth of homophobia in the society he lived in..even at this time. Even though Taehyung had bravely come out before all this, it sickened Jin to see people treating Hoseok like a criminal just for being in love. The media was relentless, twisting everything and he knew how deeply these words could cut Hoseok .

Jin's heart ached as he thought about calling him..he wanted to desperately offer some comfort. But he found it difficult to make himself press the call button. It was as if the pain in his heart had formed a physical barrier..making it impossible for him to do so. The thought of hearing Hobi's voice again..especially knowing very well that he had lost was too much and he wasn't sure if he would end up hurting Hoseok more in the process.So he decided not to contact him .

"Jin, just agree to this and you are good to go!!" Namjoon's voice broke through his thoughts

Jin stopped walking and looked at his brother , clearly annoyed by the suggestion " I don't want anyone with me. I thought I was clear on that!!" He snapped with frustration etched in his voice.

"We know you don't, but it's your bodyguard. At least take him!! You always did in past!" Namjoon pointed out

Jin sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I did, but this isn't me on a leisurely holiday... When will you all leave me alone, hmm?" He glanced between San and Namjoon, his voice rising. "First you decide where I go, what I do... and now I have to suffer through this with someone watching me every second!" His voice cracked with mounting frustration. "For God's sake, I'm not planning to kill myself! If I wanted to, I could do it right now, couldn't I?" In a sudden burst of anger, he grabbed a letter opener from the table, his hand trembling as he held it up.

"Jin!" Namjoon's voice tightened with alarm as he quickly stood from his seat with worry etched across his face.

Jin groaned, lowering his hands. "I told you, I'm not suicidal, stop being so overbearing !" His eyes were wide..pleading to be understood.

San stepped in swiftly, grabbing the opener from Jin's hand and tossing it into the nearby trash can. "You are fucking going to therapy after this! I'm dragging you there myself if I have to!" he grumbled ".Now you know why we are doing this!!"

"Whatever..." Jin muttered and slumped down on the chair near him . He huffed , trying to calm himself down before speaking " I just need some alone time from everything. From seeing people...all the media stuff...from Hobi and from seeing that bitch... She's probably celebrating this news and is waiting to rub it in my face... That's all. I'm not going to hurt myself! I just want peace!"he tried to explain the situation to his brother and manager

Namjoon sighed and shook his head "Sorry...You still need to take your bodyguard with you!!"he insisted..keeping his tone firm and leaving no room for argument.

"What is wrong with you? It's not like I'm going to be attacked on a private island! Haven't you already installed some James Bond-level security there?"

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