The Lock Down

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Soobin practically glowed from how happy he was. "This is great! I'll submit the paperwork now! Wait! No! Even better! I'll teach you how to do it!"

The police still hadn't given the clear. The bodyguards were officially fired. They angrily left towards the lobby while cursing the Choi family under their breath. Hyuka thought they were being childish. "Um. Sure."

"What? What is it?"


"Tell me. Please."

"It's really nothing. How long do you think we'll be up here for?"

"A few hours unfortunately." Soobin decided that if they were going to be trapped for a few hours then he was going to take advantage of it.

"Well, lead the way boss."

"About that..." Soobin closed the door after Kai followed him in. He sat on his black leather couch. The hot chocolate on the coffee table no longer felt warm to the touch. His white shirt collar suddenly felt itchy when the younger sat across from him. "I'd like to start the conversation I was trying to have earlier before all this happened."

"Oh. Sure."

"It isn't true. What my mom said. I don't sleep with interns. I don't sleep around at all actually."

"It wouldn't matter if you did."

"I just wanted to clarify that I don't. I also want to assure you that while I do have feelings for you, our relationship will remain professional from this point on."

Hyuka lifted his head from his slumped position. "You really do like me?"

"Yes. I feel very strongly towards you Kai."

"You don't even know me." Hyuka stood up. He walked over to one of the windows and watched the streets below. Every fiber of his conscious wanted to tell Soobin the truth. He figured it might not be the worst thing if the blonde did know. He had also never broken protocol before. His nearly flawless record was a direct reflection of it. Telling himself that Soobin was temporary became his new wall to hide behind.

Soobin stood behind the younger and put his hands on his shoulders. They quickly went back by his sides when anxiety set in. "I know I don't know you but I like what I do know. You're intelligent, you're caring and you're... attractive." He could see Kai practically holding his breath from behind. "I'm sorry. I'll stop."

"For what it's worth, I think you are too."

"You do?" Soobin put his hands back on Kai's shoulders. He could see goosebumps raise on the back of his neck when he lightly tucked his bangs behind his ears. Through the reflection, he noticed how red Kai's cheeks were. "Look at me."

Hyuka obeyed. He could barely look the blonde in the eyes. Each time he did, he wanted to melt into a puddle.

"Why are you so scared of us? Is it because you've never been with a man?"

"That's not why..."

"What is it then? Because I'm your boss? You don't need to worry about your job regardless of how this ends."

"You don't understand... this can't start."

Soobin used one hand to hold Kai's hand and the other to pull their waists together. His heart was beating so badly it almost hurt. He loved him. He didn't know how or why. Was it because of his looks? Because Kai saved his life? He couldn't say. The only thing he was certain of was from the very first moment they saw each other, he knew he found his soulmate. "I love you..."


"Kiss me."

"Soobin stop. This can't happen. Nothing can happen between us."

"I know you love me too!"

"You don't understand... This can't happen! I just work for you! You don't even know me!"

"I know that I love you and that I trust you with my life." Soobin ran his fingertips through Kai's bangs until they landed on his cheek. They stayed there. He could feel the younger's shaky breath against his chest when he took another step into his body. In a soft whisper, he muttered "I know you feel the same way about me. Just... please... kiss me."

Hyuka was terrified. If he kissed him, he would never let him go. He couldn't do that to Soobin. Once the blonde found out he was lying to him, his feelings would change anyways leaving only his own behind. Love never worked out for him. He had no reason to believe this time would be any different. "We should get back to work."

"Okay... if that's what you want." Soobin paused to give the younger a chance to change his mind. Kai didn't. He sat at his desk upset but not defeated.

Things remained professional the remainder of the lockdown. Hyuka learned a bit of HR paperwork, verbage commonly found in sourcing contracts, and navigating his own personal account by the time it was done. He also learned that in the event where Soobin was essentially on house arrest, the office would be his to use. Being given the code made it official.

"You're also welcome to stop by my house at any time. I'll give you the address."

"Your house?"

"My condo but it's big enough to be a house."

"I more meant that I was surprised you're giving me your home address."

"If my parents don't let me leave it then you'll need access to me somehow."

"I suppose?" Hyuka looked at the address then noticed it was a long walk from the closest subway station. Taxis were an option but infinitely more expensive and would take nearly as long during rush hour. The only thing he managed to say was "you live far."

Soobin hid his smile from how cute he found Kai to be when he pouted. "I can add a driver or cab fare to your expense account."

"Expense account? I'm just an assistant."

"You're my assistant. Did you not notice it when we were looking at the reports?"

"I assumed that account was only for you." Hyuka wasn't poor by any means in Texas yet he felt like a homeless man being given $100 when he was handed his own company card. "Thank you?"

"You're welcome. You can visit me anytime you want, even when there's no shut in."

"I wouldn't want to interrupt your life like that. I'm sure it's going to be easier for you to date without the security following you."

"Kai stop. It's not going to work." Soobin stared at the photos on his desk. All were filled with himself and family yet none of what he actually desired. He wanted someone to come home to, to the fill the loneliness he's long felt since the assassinations started. Coming home to Kai sounded like a beautiful distant dream. "I'm not looking to date anyone else. When I said I love you, I meant it."

In the back of his mind, Hyuka saw "Kai and Soobin" being great together. The dark voice reminded him that "Soobin and Hyuka" weren't. An announcement was made over the speakers declaring the lock down over. He used the opportunity to grab his bag and keys. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"



"I'm sorry. I have to know. You don't have to love me but are you at least romantically attracted to me?"

Hyuka gulped. Those big starlit eyes had a death grip on his heart. "Yes... but it will never work. I'll see you tomorrow Soobin."

"See you tomorrow." That was all the confirmation Soobin needed to keep trying. Kai was the one. He knew it. He just had to figure out why the younger was holding back.

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