The Hazy Night

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Blue jeans and a white t-shirt had never looked better until Soobin saw it on Kai. His shirt was tight enough to where he could see his chest and a faint outline of his abs. The light blue jeans also hugged every magical part of the rest of his body. He was perfect in Soobin's eyes. Fucked up wind blown hair and all. "Hey."

"Hey." Hyuka thought it was a little weird to see his boss in normal clothes. The black on black ensemble made him hard to see at first. His striking blonde hair was the only reason he spotted him. Seeing Soobin closer, under soft yellow lights, only made Hyuka want him more. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Let's go to a bar. My parents would kill me if they found out I was walking around at night." Soobin scoffed into the wind. "I can't believe I'm almost thirty and I still have to do what my parents tell me."

Hyuka started walking with him. The blonde grabbed his hand. He didn't bother to pull away. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I didn't know you had company."

"It's fine. You sounded like you needed me more than he did."

"He?" Jealousy rang in Soobin's voice.

"He's just a friend. I haven't seen him in a while. Didn't even know he was here until he surprised me."

"Oh. That's nice that you got to see him."

"What was your life like before this started happening?"

Soobin became sad again. "My life was amazing. I had a really close group of friends who I hung out with. I could go wherever I wanted. Meet whoever I wanted. I could fucking eat whatever I wanted too. Then it all disappeared and I still don't know why."

Hyuka released his grip from their hold. Hearing that was another reminder of why they couldn't work together. Soobin had an established life without him. He was happy without him. "You'll have your old life back one day."

Soobin nearly wanted to cry. Getting his past back seemed impossible. "I don't think I ever will." His one comfort, his one break from his horrible reality, kept pushing him away and it hurt.

"You will. Trust me."

"I want to."

"Soobin. I'm telling you. When this is all over, it'll be exactly like how it was before. It will be like nothing changed."

"My friends would love you."

Hyuka opened the door for the blonde. He didn't think it was worth it to respond. His friends would never meet him and that's the way it should be. "Place looks full."

"It always is."

"Forgive me for asking but how are you allowed to be out right now if your parents are keeping you in?"

"I kind of snuck out to see you." Soobin ordered a shot of tequila with a sugar rim. He downed three more before Kai even figured out what he wanted.

"You snuck out?"

"Of my temporary hotel room until they find a more secure place to keep me prisoner." Soobin downed another shot. His vision was starting to get blurry. "Don't feel bad for me. I'd sneak out again in a heartbeat if it meant seeing you."

Hyuka teased "you're drunk." Another shot went down the blonde's throat.

"Drunk or not. I'd do anything to see you."

Soobin tried to order another drink but Hyuka stopped him. "I've think you've had enough for tonight. Have you eaten?"

"I didn't have time to." Soobin sloppily leaned on the younger's shoulder. His eyes were within an inch of Kai's cheek. He looked flawless. "You're so beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself." Hyuka felt like he was with Elijah again when he failed to get the blonde's attention onto the menu. "Pick something to eat."

"I wanna eat your cute apple cheeks!"

"How about some sliders? Plenty of bread to soak up those five shots!"

"Then can I eat your apple cheeks?"

Hyuka grumbled "jesus you cannot handle your alcohol" after Soobin almost spilled a glass on water on him.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing. The food will be ready soon."

"Why don't you want to be with me Kai?" Soobin quickly placed his hand on the younger's thigh when he felt himself slipping again. To his delight, Kai didn't flinch.

"You're my boss. It wouldn't be appropriate if we dated."

"I can switch you to my cousin! Then I wouldn't be your boss!"

"But I like you being my boss!" Hyuka pushed the blonde back into his seat when food came. He held a slider up and waved it. "This smells good right?"

Soobin was starving. "So good..."

"It's all yours. Eat as much as you want."

Soobin picked a Hawaiian one out and held it to the younger's lips. "For you!"

Hyuka tried to take it with his fingers, only to find it snatched away.

"No! I'm feeding you!"

"That's really not-"


Hyuka wanted to be annoyed but he couldn't. Not with how adorable the blonde looked. He took a small bite and hoped that was the end. Soobin held his hand out until the entire sandwich was gone.

"You're so cute!"

"I thought you said I was beautiful."

"You're both."

"Nah. You gotta pick one."

"Be my boyfriend and I'll tell you the answer!"

"Have another sandwich. They're really good." Hyuka slipped the bartender his credit card when the blonde wasn't looking. He watched him eat. Soobin was making a mess. Sauce covered his face yet Hyuka still felt like he was the most handsome person he had ever seen. His credit card was handed back to him. He pocketed it then grabbed a napkin and started to gently wipe the older's face off.

Soobin's heart stopped. His mind sobered up to watch Kai work. The younger's touch was delicate. He couldn't stop staring into his eyes. Each breath taken was shallow in fear of ruining the moment. While he didn't say it out loud, he knew he was truly in love.

"There. You ready to go back to your hotel?"

"Right... my hotel. I can't even remember where that is."

"Do you remember the name?"

"No... something Hilton? I think?"

"I'll take you back to my place. I just need to make a quick call. Stay here. Don't move."

Soobin did as he was told. Tiredness started to set in after the high wore off. He laid his head on the counter. His eyes closed while the bar chatter became his white noise to sleep too.

"Hey." Hyuka gently shook the blonde's shoulder. "Wake up. I have a cab outside."

"Ugh... carry me."

"Is that a demand boss?"

Soobin smiled with his eyes still closed. "No. I'd ask you to kiss me instead."

Hyuka brushed his silky blonde bangs away then kissed the exposed space.

Soobin's smile drew wider. His eyes fluttered awake to see the younger give him a look he's never seen before. If he was going to remember anything from that night, it was the silent confirmation that Kai loved him too. "I think I'm ready to go home."

Hyuka safely tucked Soobin into the backseat of the cab. The blonde's head collapsed against his chest. Five minutes of the drive was all it took for him to fall asleep. Hyuka held him closely. Nothing about Soobin felt like any other relationship he's ever had. He just wanted to see him happy and if getting him his old life back would make that happen, then that's what he was going to do.

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