The Cold Waffles

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"Kai?" Soobin woke up to sunlight dripping through the crack between the curtains. His head hurt. The bed felt blissfully cold from the light blue silk sheets. A puffy white comforter covered half of his body. The upperhalf wasn't covered by anything. He wondered where his shirt went. "Kai?"

Hyuka walked through his apartment with coffee and breakfast balancing on one arm and his phone and keys in the other. His name was being called from a distant room. Half stumbling, he yelled "Soobin! I'm in here!" He was genuinely suprised the blonde was awake at seven in the morning.

Soobin walked out shirtless and in his boxers. His face was red. He had never felt more humiliated in his life. Not knowing where his clothes were was embarassing. "What um... what happened last night?"

"You had five shots of tequila and passed out in the cab. I slept on the couch if that's what you meant and your clothes are in the dryer because you puked last night."

"Oh. Thanks."

Hyuka handed him a coffee and a container of waffles. "Speaking of your clothes, they should be done by now. I'll be right back."



"I knew where my hotel was."

Hyuka fished out a plastic fork from the bag then handed it over. "Yeah, I know. I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay..." Soobin took small bites of his chocolate chip waffle so he would have enough left to eat with Kai. The coffee, he didn't take his time with. It had a hint of hazelnut and a splash of cream. Delicious.

Clothes spilled out of the dryer when Hyuka opened the door. His own were folded first. He picked up Soobin's shirt next and noticed they were the same size. Once that was folded, he picked up the pants. A little white piece of paper fell out from the pocket. He knew he shouldn't read it but he read it anyways.

Ten minutes passed and Kai still hadn't come back. Soobin was starting to get worried. The waffle was now cold. He told himself not to freak out. His leg nervously bounced beneath the table so harshly it started to hurt.

Hyuka sat in the laundry room re-reading the note. "I had a great time. Here's my number. Text me if you ever want to hook up again." It bothered him a lot. He read it a third time. It still bothered him but it wasn't his business. The note was shoved back into the pocket like it never existed in the first place.

Soobin quickly stood up when he saw the door open. "Hey. I was getting a little worried."

Hyuka flatly replied "why's that?"

"You were taking a long time. I figured something happened."

"Nothing happened. Here's your clothes."

"Are you okay?"

Hyuka faked a smile. "I'm fine. Did you enjoy your food?"

"I did. I was hoping we could eat together."

"I'm not hungry."

"You aren't?" Soobin glanced at the second serving on the table. "I assumed that was for you or for us to eat together."

"I just didn't know how hungry you were. That's all."


Hyuka placed the blonde's clothes next to the food. He then grabbed his laundry basket and started walking towards his bedroom. "You should probably grab your phone. I think your parents know you weren't at the hotel."

Soobin grabbed the basket then tossed it to the side. Kai's hand was grabbed next. "What's wrong?"


"Stop. What's wrong Kai?"

"I need to get dressed for work and you're preventing that."

"I'm your boss. You don't-"

"Exactly. You're my boss."

Soobin wasn't giving up. He knew what he saw last night. Kai loved him and he loved him back. "Do you want me to fire you? Is that why you won't be with me?"

"You can hook up with whoever the hell you want. Why the fuck does it have to be with me?"

"Hook up? What are you talking about?!"

Hyuka grabbed the note and shoved it in the blonde's palm. "I told you I didn't care if you slept around. I do care when you lie about it."

Soobin crumbled the note in his palm then slammed it into the trashcan. When Kai started leaving again, he grabbed both of his hands and pleaded "that was from one guy after I left my ex! It's three months old! I never wear casual clothes because of my job. I promise. I haven't been lying to you!"

"It wouldn't matter if you were!"


"-we're never going to happen Soobin! I love you but we can't happen!"

Soobin firmly held Kai's cheek after seeing his eyes pop open. He couldn't stop smiling. "You love me?"

"I..." Hyuka's failure to speak became worse the longer he looked into the taller's eyes. The smirk he was being given was as annoying as it was cute. Soobin kept stroking his cheek with his thumb. Logic was gone. Every rational thought was replaced with complete desire.

"I love you too." Hope was present in his voice. Both of Soobin's hands held Kai's cheeks when the younger couldn't stop staring at his lips. He couldn't stop either. For one last time, he pleaded "Kai. Kiss me."

"Fuck it." Hyuka sunk into the taller's body and kissed bottom lip. Neither could stop smiling. His arms wrapped around his neck as he was kissed again. Feeling Soobin pull him closer to his body made him fall in love harder. His fingers ran through his hair while they happily made out. He gripped it when their tongues met.

"I love you." Soobin kissed him once more then beamed "I love you Kai."

"I love you too Soobin."

"You ready to eat now?"

"Yes. I'm starving." Hyuka kissed him again as a tease. "I can't believe I'm dating my boss."

"I can't believe I had to get drunk to make it happen."

Hyuka fed Soobin a piece of his cold waffle. The blonde ate like a bunny. His dimples were charming. "You're so fucking cute."

"You too with your cute little apple cheeks."

Hyuka threw a small piece of waffle at his boyfriend. "Thought you didn't remember what happened last night."

Soobin picked it off of his lap then happily bit it. "I don't. But I wasn't talking about your face."

"My ass is NOT little."

"Stand up. Let me see it again then."

Hyuka threw another waffle chunk. "You're lucky I love you."

"I know I am." Soobin leaned over to pull him into another kiss. He thought he was happy before. This was entirely different. These were moments of bliss that he didn't know existed until Kai came in. What they had was real. He was absolutely certain they were meant to be together and he couldn't wait to see where their relationship goes.

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