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Biana: You do realise I wasn't joking about the binder though?

Keefe: Wait what?

Biana: Yeah

Biana: It's pink and sparkly and has pictures of alicorns!!!!!


Keefe: Umm okay? But you must not let the Fitzter see it

Keefe: You know how he reacted to Alvar

Biana: Yeah...

Keefe: Guess what!

Keefe: Know why Alvar was such a good vanisher?

Biana: Ummm

Keefe: Cause he was NEVERSEEN!


Biana: Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biana: Brilliant! I'm telling this to Fitz!!!

Keefe: That might not be a good idea

Authors Note:

I need ideas!!!!!!!! Help meeeeeee!!!! Luckily I've already pre-written a couple but I need ideas for the other ones!!! Helppppppp!!!!!



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