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Sophie: So I told Bronte a joke

Grady: *skeptical* What was the joke?

Sophie: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Grady: *In his head 'there's a catch somewhere'*

Grady: I don't know

Sophie: To get to the idiots house


Sophie: Knock, knock

Grady: *In his head 'there's the catch'*


Sophie: You're meant to say who's there dad

Grady: I'm going to regret this but who's there?

Sophie: The chicken


Grady: So you told this to Bronte?

Sophie: Umm

Sophie: Yup

Grady: And he fell for it?

Sophie: Umm

Sophie: Yup

Grady: So he gave you detention?

Sophie: Umm

Sophie: Yup


Grady: Good girl! That was excellent!!!! You're officially un-grounded!!!!

Sophie: Ummm... thanks?

Grady: Wait till I tell Eda this!!!!!!!

Author's Note:

Heyyy guys!!!

It's been an eventful few days so that is my perfectly good excuse - uhh, I mean reason - to why I might not update for a couple days.

Too many tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a more positive note... THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD GET TO 600+!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! <3 <3 <3 <3



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