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Keefe: FOSTER!!!!!!!!!!!

Keefe: I need your help!!!!!!!

Sophie: Keefe, what the heck? What needs doing so bad you have to wake me at 2:47 in the morning on one of the nights I actually get to sleep?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keefe: Sorry

Sophie: That's okay *lays back down to go to sleep*

Keefe: Can I have your help then?

Sophie: Uugghh! Fine... I'm awake now so what do you need help doing?

Keefe: Homework

Sophie: Okay. If you have ten slices of mallowmelt, and Tam asks for one slice, how many slices of mallowmelt do you have left?

Keefe: Ten slices of mallowmelt!

Sophie: Okay, fine. I worded that wrong. If you have ten slices of mallowmelt, and Tam SNATCHES one, how many slices do you have left?

Keefe: Hmm...

Keefe: Ten slices of mallowmelt and a dead Tam!

*Linh the Murcat joined the chat*

Linh: My brother's dead?? KEEFE!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED??????!!!!!!

Keefe: Ummm...

Sophie: Linh, relax, I'm just helping Keefe with his homework! And Keefe, THE ANSWER IS NINE!!!!!! YOU HAVE NINE PIECES OF MALLOWMELT LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keefe: Calm down Foster, I guess it was my turn to join the Great Foster Oblivion Fest!

Sophie: Grrrr...

Linh: Keefe, watch out. Tam was hiding in the shadows and he read the messages and I'm pretty sure that he's now about to leap over to your house and kill you...

Keefe: Aarrrgghhhh!!!!!!!! He's here! I'm leaping to the safe place!

Sophie: Wow Keefe, so now my house is the safe place?????!!!!!

Keefe: I always feel safe with you Foster

Sophie: Watch out for Grady then! *oblivious to Keefe*

*Biana the Fashion Master joined the chat*


*Fitz Vacker the Ritz Cracker joined the chat*

Fitz: Keefe. The safe place is Alluveterre. We've been over this... *growling under his breath*

Biana: Lol, Fitz I can hear you growling from my bedroom!!!!!

Linh: Lol!

Tam: I will find you Keefe... You'd better watch out...

Sophie: How long has Tam been here???

Tam: Long enough to know everything...

Keefe: I've had practice. Well with hiding from Mommy Dearest and my 'empaths are the best' Daddy!

Authors Note:

Hey guys!

You like so far? I'm using my ideas and others that I've seen from incorrect quotes and things like that! Since it's just texting/conversations between characters and nothing else, I should be able to update at least one per day, and if not, well I better have a good reason!!! For the shorter conversations, I will probably update multiple times a day as it doesn't take too long to write!

Since I joined Wattpad, I've realised that most writers in their authors notes write something along the lines of 'I'm so sorry this was terrible, don't feel that you have to read more, please don't read this, etc' when in reality, their work is fabulous!! So I'm not going to be like that! My story is good and it deserves to be read and if you don't like it, too bad, go read something else!

Please comment here if you have any ideas on what conversations should be about! By the way, Foster-Keefe is sorta the unofficial group chat!


CallaIsTheBest :)

P.S. Sorry for the long authors note! They won't all be like this unless I have info on when I'll update and things like that!!!

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