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Sophie: Truth or dare Keefe?

Keefe: DARE!

Sophie: Can't you choose truth for once?

Keefe: Anything for you Foster ;)


Sophie: Uhhh

Sophie: Sure

Sophie: Who's your type?

Keefe: Keeping an eye out for the competition are ya?

Sophie: Just answer the question

Keefe: Fine

Keefe: Hmm... brown eyes... teleportation powers... and... their name starts with an 'S'!!!

Sophie: Huh? *oblivious as always*

Sophie: OMG!!!!!!!!! YOU LIKE SILVENY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT 'TILL I TELL THE GROUP CHAT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keefe: No! I- Never mind...

Author's Note:

Hi guys. 

Not having the best day here but I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

Hey, quick question.......

Do you realise how broken our world is? 

We judge people for how they look, for their personality, for their differences. We hurt people and their homes because of silly words in a silly argument. We depress ourselves because we're different to other people, because we don't look the same, because they are 'better' and we are just us. Yet all we care about is how popular we are and how we look and how many likes we get on our posts. We care about getting what we want, making ourselves feel better by putting others down, by not caring who we step on in our journey. There are horrible things in this world like war, bullying, homelessness, suicide, depression, anxiety, starvation, kidnapping, climate change, and death. And to think that we care about makeup, and fitting in, and social media when the world is changing constantly for the worse around us. And the worst part... the worst part is that I want to change this. I desperately do. I can do all I want to try, yet it's too big of a problem for one person...

Yeah, no need to read that. Just me ranting and crying as I rant.

Catch you guys later.


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