
74 6 4

Biana: YoU lIkE mY bRoThEr?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dex: Uhhhhh

Dex: No?

Biana: bUt WhAt AbOuT wHaT yOu ToLd SoPhIe???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dex: Calm down!!!!!

Biana: HuH???

Biana: YoU'rE tElLiNg Me To CaLm DoWn????????????????????????????

Dex: Yes I am!!!

Dex: I only sent it as a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Biana: Oh

Biana: Phew

Author's Note:


I hope this makes sense; if it doesn't I'll try to explain again!!!!!

Sooooo... what's up???????

I don't know, I'm boreddddddddddd................ 

What's your favourite Ro quote??? Mines probably either 'Awwwwww, is anyone else chanting Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! in their heads right now?'  or 'I swear watching boys try to communicate is like watching amoebas. You just stare at their blobby little bodies and think 'How do these things even function?'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're both cute and hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, byeeee!

CallaIsTheBest <3

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