
42 3 3

Biana: Sooo, are you ever going to tell me?


Tam: Tell you what?

Biana: Who you like!!!!

Biana: Duh!

Tam: Ohh

Tam: That. How about...

Tam: NO

Biana: Aggressive much?

Tam: *sighs angrily*

Author's Note:

Hey guys.

Did you hear about Maggie Smith? 

I can't believe that Professor McGonagall, deputy headmistress of Hogwarts, Gryffindor head and transfiguration teacher has died...

Comment here your favourite memory of her in the Hogwarts series! Mine is probably when she takes Harry to see Wood after Harry dives after Neville's remembrall. 

Oh and guess what! I'm reading a book, and one of the characters is Lord Fitzroy and I was like 'ExCuSe Me???!!!!!!!!'

On a brighter note, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.1K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anybody had any ideas I will happily do them to say thank you!!!!!!!!!!


CallaIsTheBest <3

P.S. Rest in peace Professor McGonagall (aka Maggie Smith)...

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