Rebound part 2

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I'm back peeps. 😎

I looked at Carl with tears in my eyes. He noticed me and ran over to me.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He asked softly grabbing my arms.
"I loved you. I fucking loved you and I still do and you still haven't noticed! When will you notice?!" I said breaking down running off. Leaving him to watch me in shock.
The next day.
I didn't even want to go to "school." I had to be literally dragged out of bed. I'm really upset about last night. To think he actually liked me was pathetic. I got ready and headed to class. I walked in and put my head down.
"Hey sport what's wrong?" Asked Alex setting beside me.
"To much to explain. Today seems like a sleep in class day. So poke me with a pencil if I get caught." I said laying my head down. Then I heard the door open. I glance up to see Carl and Enid. I groaned and layed my head down.
"What's wrong (y/n) not get any sleep?" Enid asked.
I didn't even move. I didn't give a care too.
During class I would occasionally look up to see Enid giggling, scribbling notes with Carl, or touching him to much. Something was different about Carl though. It was weird. He didn't seem to enjoy any of it. In fact he didn't even seem to be there. He wrote something down and passed the note to Enid. Once she read it her face dropped. She then raised her hand.
"Yes Enid." Said the teacher.
"May I be excused. I feel sick." She said. The teacher dismissed her and she left. Carl looked at her with some what sad eyes and began writing again. While I sat getting flicked with paper footballs from Alex.
"Stop it Alex" I said getting poked in the head with paper for the 1,000 time.
"It's not me this time." He said and I raised my head to a note. It was from Carl:
"I still fucking love you too."

This sucks but someone requested part two and I needed to update.

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