Request #1

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Plot: Can you do one were she gets pregnant with Carl's baby and he gets mad and runs off? Thanks lots love your writing
Answer: thanks for requesting @shaylove17 I hope you enjoy! I can't sleep so!

I drop the stick onto the cold bathroom floor. Hands shaky. The only thing processing through my head, fuck. I picked the stick up, wrapped it in toilet paper and hid it behind the toilet. I took a deep breathe and walked back into the living room. I've messed up. I'm pregnant. The only person I can be pregnant with? Carl.
I've been with carl for a year now and with teenage hormones and the small amount of adult supervision we have of course we are going to do things. We've always been caution, but I guess you can only be cautious for so long. How will I tell him? How will he react? I decided after dinner I will tell him. I hope the group and him are okay with this. The only one that will be hurt would be me. Like Lori...
Later that night I sat by carl at the table in Alexandria. I pushed my spoon to make circles around the soup as I sat nervously and anxiously. I don't think I can do this. But he needs to know. He'll find out soon anyway. It isn't easy hiding a baby inside you especially in a apocalypses.
"Are you okay?" Carl asked me.
"Um yeah I'm fine." I said. I suddenly felt my stomach turn. It must be nerves. My body tells me other wise when I'm running outside and hunched over the railings. Vomit hitting the bushes. I feel someone pull my hair back and rub my back until I regather myself. I stood up and turned around to the group giving me concerned looks.
"I'm going to go lay down." I lied.
"I'll come with." Carl said and we excused ourselves from the group. I head upstairs as my palms got sweaty and my knees got weak. This is it. I looked at carl and gave him a half smile and a kiss.
"Can I talk to you." I said setting him on the bed beside me, grabbing his hands.
"Of course babe." He said giving me his attention. I took a deep breath and looked at him for a moment. Taking this in.
"I think I'm pregnant." You said slowly.
He stared at you. No emotion, not even in the eyes. Just a dull stare at the wall behind me. After a minute my vision got blurry and I couldn't feel my body. I was a noodle.
"Carl?" I said.
He blinked and stood up backing away slowly.
"I can't do this. How could we. I can't. We can't. I can't lose someone. I can't be in this. No. No." He said walking out. I sat there, staring at the door. He left. He got me pregnant and left.
My body was burning. I couldn't tell if it was in pain of anger. I was a noodle in boiling water.

A/n- was this good? Hope you enjoyed! Request Still open!!

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