Request #4

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First off I'm really sorry I haven't been updating. I've been extremely busy with school, band, softball, and drama. I have to stay after for drama everyday this week, including Sunday. But hopefully I'll be free after that. OH AND PROMS SATURDAY SO. Anyway this is my last request until summer. Hear that NO MORE REQUEST!! I'll open it up after school. 

Sumerlyn POV:

"Do I have to put the guts on me?" I asked Carl scrunching my nose up in disgust.

"Yes you have to." He said rolling his eyes. We are running out of time. I can't help it, it smells like death.

"Okay just hurry up and get it over with." I looked away while he rubbed guts and blood all over me.

"Everybody hold hands." Rick said sternly. I held hands with Carl and Ron. My best friend and a dude I survive with. Basically the best description for them. We headed outside and started walking. We got out to the lake and decided to take a break. We made a plan while walkers passed us, not noticing us.

"I'll take Judith." Gabriel offered. After Rick debating on whether to trust him or not he finally gave in. We held hands again and started off. It was night fall and we were still walking. Since we had to go slow. I noticed Sam staring at some of the walkers. His lip was quivering and he had tears in his eyes. He also seemed to be in deep thought. It gave chills on my neck at the thought of what he's going to do.

As I thought of the possibility I realized he broke the chain. Standing in front of his mom. He started whimpering, he was scared, and he broke.

Everyone was trying to calm him down, quietly of course. But honestly it wasn't any use. This kid didn't understand what the creatures were like. He didn't know. Soon he did as a group of walkers all came up at once and ate at him. Jesse started screaming, poor Jesse didn't understand either. Soon the walkers came and got her too. Two down, one to go. I looked over at Ron to see if he'd break. He was still in shock, so I don't know what he's going to do. Carl was yanking his hand away from Jesse. Rick raised up his axe, it reminded me of a creepy horror movie I used to watch with my older brothers. And swung the axe down on Jesses hand several times. I flinched every time I heard the slicing sound. Carl fell to the ground, causing me to fall in the process.
I hit the ground hard. I opened my eyes to see Carl scrambling up. He grabbed my arms and held me up. I turned around to see Ron holding up his gun.
"You." He said, aiming at Carl.
Chills went down my neck again realizing I'm not seeing those horror movies in my basement with my brothers anymore. I'm living it.
He was mad at Carl. All the feuding they did was coming to an end.

"You-" before he could finish, Michonnes samurai had impaled him. Although soon something else impaled me. I didn't even feel anything. Just a short sting and then nothing. I DID however, feel something squirting all over my face. This hot, gooey, disturbing feeling. Then it hit me. I've been shot. I look down at my clothes that now was a mix between someone's blood and mine. I looked over at Carl and Rick trying to think of something to say. I couldn't think of what to do so I simply said the first thing I could think of:


Carl's POV:
Then there she was, on the ground. This is all my fault. He pointed the damned gun at me. I raced over to her and picked her up in my arms. I looked at dad as he yelled
"Move." Then we took off. Michonne killing walkers from behind, and dad killing walkers in the front. I'm in between, the small boy carrying his best friend in his arms, awkwardly stumbling towards a safe place, with blurred vision from his tears.

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