The connection

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This is spoilers from Mid season Finale and Tonight's EP so skip if you haven't watched. You've been warned.

Your POV:
I put on the white sheet and grabbed some guts and started wiping it on me. I was in the middle of Carl, my boyfriend, and Ron. Ron has been a trouble maker from the start, but I had hope in him. That he didn't end up like his father. I was trying to help him learn and see through our eyes. I felt bad. But I wanted what was best for him. I wanted him to think and feel like he should. We were about to walk out in the herd and I was really scared. I know this is one of Ricks past tactics so it will work. But it's so easy for this plan to fail. We all got our white and guts on and headed outside it was Rick, Jessie, Carl, Me, Sam, Ron, Priest, and Michonne.
Carl was holding my hand as we made our way threw the herd. I was so scared I don't think I breathed at all. I tried to focus on Carl's thumb rubbing mine calmingly as we walked slowly. Occasionally I would do the same. I'd look at him and give him a small smile every now and then. To show him I'm okay. He'd look at me with this look of concern yet reassuring looks. The bond Carl and I have is rare. The whole group knows it. We can be miles apart and know when one of us is in trouble, hurt, or okay. We can look at each other and talk through our eyes. We don't have to be holding hands, kissing, or hugging. We can be sitting by each other and know we are loved. It comes in handy in times like this.
We decided to stop near the pond and discussed our plan from there. We eventually settled on Sam staying with us. Bad idea in my opinion, and Gabriel took Judith. I really thought that was a bad idea too. In my opinion he was a two faced to the bone, but we needed this. I grabbed Carl's hand again and we moved through the herd again. It was reaching night time and I was close to Carl. I felt uncomfortable because I had Ron's hand now too. I had thought Ron was cute when we first arrived to Alexandria but I noticed he's completely different from Carl. Ron really only cared about himself, he was rude and wreck less. Carl's grip on my hand was soft and loving. Ron's was rough and tight. It kinda hurt. I noticed we stopped when Sam broke the chain about to break down. We all tried calming him down. I felt scared when I knew he was being a kid and wasn't going to not cry. This wasn't going to end well and I prepared for the worst. Carl put a hand on my waist, and I knew he was scared too. I looked at him while he tried pleading Sam not to cry. Finally I let go of Ron's hand that was becoming to much for me. Soon Sam broke down and the walkers came and got him. I had to cover my mouth in shock and looked away. I looked at Carl and noticed he had a disappointed and frightened face. We looked at Jessie instead who started crying. I knew it was going to end bad for her, and I wanted to cry. I really loved Jessie. She became my mom figure. I had Michonne of course but Jessie really reminded me of my mom. Especially after she lost her husband. A single bad ass mom handling two kids. Only my mom had three. Then Jessie got attacked and Carl moved his hand from my waist and covered my mouth in case I'd cry. He knew I loved her. I noticed Carl tugging and grunting and I looked down. Jessie still had his hand. I tried to help pull him away. I look up and Rick had his axe up and I looked away. Carl's free arm wrapping around my waist tightly. Then I turned around and Ron had a gun pointed at Rick. Carl shoved me slightly away from him, and I really didn't want him to do anything stupid. I looked at Carl and he gave me a "everything's okay" look. I couldn't tell if he was trying to tell me or him that. I smiled at him forcefully to show him I'm okay. Michonne stuck her samurai through Ron and I heard a gun shot go off and I flinched. I covered my mouth and bit my hand to stop me from crying loud. I had seen enough of that happening tonight. I looked up and saw Carl looking at me then Rick.
"Dad." He said. His eye had been shot and he had blood spewing down his face. At this point I had froze and shut down. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Like I couldn't force myself to and if I did I would die. That's when Michonne jumped into action killing walkers left and right. Rick picked up Carl and I grabbed his hat and we ran off.

Part two maybe?

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