Request #5

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This is for @ilovesheriffsboy3

Sarah POV:

"Carl come on!" Rick yelled as We were falling behind. Our beloved prison and safe place was destroyed. We were heading towards terminus to seek shelter. If there was shelter. The signs could've been from the beginning. There could be no terminus anymore. Maybe there is a terminus, but is it safe? Or just another Woodbury?

I was trying to get my mind off of all the events. So I was balancing myself on the train track. Most kids would be worried about a train coming, but trains having been running through here in years. I suddenly stumbled off but it wasn't my fault. I was pushed.

"Hey!" I said glaring at Carl sarcastically.

"What?" He said looking at me innocently, trying to hide his smirk with his Sheriff hat. I shoved him back and Rick hollered at us again.

"Ha I didn't fall off! I'm better at it then you!" Carl said.

"Not true!"

"Is true!"

"Want to bet?" I said standing up on the train track. I was extremely close to him.

"Yeah, I do." He said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I just stared at him with determination, I received the same look.

"Whoever stays on the longest gets an I OWE YOU." I said, pulling myself away from him. I turned to the tracks and keep walking.

"Deal!" He said getting closer to me. We kept moving and it was us shoving each other and getting yelled at by Rick.

"Carl shoving is cheating!"

"You're doing it to!" He said shoving me again but this time I grabbed his hand. We keep holding hands for a minute before he let go.

"One of us has to fall at some point." He whined.

"Well it's going to be you so give up!" I said shoving him. This time he tripped me and I went down.

"Dammit." I huffed. I looked up and had a hand in front of my face. It was a boy with a face of a winner. He beat me. I got up without his help and he put his hand down.

"You cheated!"

"And you lost."

"Because you cheated!"

"Because I won."

"Fine Sheriff. What's my I OWE YOU?" I said walking again.

"A kiss."

"What?" I said looking at him weird.

Carl and I have been friends since the beginning. We've always had a close relationship. We were very flirty. Sneaking into each other's cells and cuddling, Holding hands, and flirting by calling each other names. I never really expected this to go anywhere though.

"Right now?" I asked worried what his dad would think.

"Whenever. You could surprise me." He said smiling big. That stupid winners smile.


(This is before the men come and try to kill them :))

We had just eaten a small rabbit and Carl and I crawled into the vehicle to sleep for the night. I have tried to ignore him the rest of the day because I was scared to kiss him.

"You better not be asleep." He said rolling over to face my back.

"Shh I'm trying to sleep." I said smiling to myself.

"Not without my I owe you!" He said grabbing my side trying to turn me over. I turned over and faced him and we were inches apart.

"Why do you want to kiss me so badly?" I whispered.

"Same reason you want too."

I will have to admit. I may have been scared to kiss him, but I wanted to so badly. The craving of his lips on mine has been there since I first meet him.

"I don't." I said bluntly.

"But you do."

I went to say something back but was instead hit with a pair of chapped lips on mine. The Sparks I've had since we first started cuddling appeared again but this time it came bigger than the ocean. A giant wave that has hit my small heart. I pulled away and looked at his ocean blue eyes. The same pair of eyes I've fallen in love with.

"Did you feel that to?" He asked. I just nodded.

"Yeah me too."

This is shit but I needed to update hope you enjoy! Sorry for being inactive I've had softball :/

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