Thankful To You

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Because of you,
I laugh a little harder,
Cry a little less and
Smile a lot more...

For the time being, you were a total stranger for me
It was hard to express my feelings to unknown
As I don't talk to strangers much
Especially when it's with the opposite gender
As because of past experience with guys were not really good.

I don't easily trust boys you know
Yet I can say
You are not a boy
But a MAN

A significant man enough,
To understand a girl's feelings and emotions.
A man enough, to understand a girl's mood
Just by seeing her texts and listening her tone of voice.

A man enough, to support her through her rough days.
A man enough, not to judge her while she is opening up to you.
A man enough, to crack jokes just to bring a smile on her face.
And a man enough, not to make her tears fall because of you!

Many people come and go
But no one is similar to you.
Let it relationship or friendship,
In both the cases, you were different.

You are the first guy ever,
Who made me feel so much comfortable,
Just by talking for three consecutive days.
It felt like we know each other for a long time together
And after years of friendship, we are talking now.

Or, Do you believe in past life?
Maybe we were close in our past lives.
Thats why we feel connected to each other when we are together.
Free to talk about anything we want to share
Comfortable enough that the other one,
Will not misunderstand us,
By our actions, vocals or anything else.

For you I realized, life can be better,
If you start enjoying it
A little better, when you start accepting things
And yet not be sad because of that.
Rather being a happy soul full of positivity and brightness,
Just like the sunshine shining brightly.
Even through the clouds with no obstacles,
Making their own frame with their name.

And I guess,
Life can be a little more better,
When I have people like you by my side!

Trusting mens, isn't an easy job for me you know
Yet you came into my life as an unwelcomed face,
Just like a shooting star falling from the sky.
And I wish for an unbreakable bond with you
Not even knowing our friendship, I would one day embrace.
As I wonder through my thoughts and the few memories with you.
It brings a big smile and laughter to my face.

With you I can be the real one
Full of craziness, laughter, grace
And a never ending basket of stupid talks.
In you, I find myself
Just the male version of mine...

I talk alot isn't it?
In the early morning
With a "Gooodd morninnnggggg..." text,
Till the night's peaceful sleep
After saying "Good Night".
We share every single details to each other.
Whether it is useful or just baseless doesn't matter
You were always there to listen up to me.

Isn't it funny,
How some people comr into your life suddenly
And become an integrated whole
They don't even realize
How special they are
They're thoughtful, without even thinking about it.
They're always right there when you call.
They share, not expecting a thing in return
Yet always seem richer for giving.

Isn't it lovely,
How those special people
Can teach us so much about living!
You're one of those special people
So now I can say...

Tum se, kiran dhoop ki
Tum se, Siyaah raat hai
Tum bin, Main bin baat ka
Tum ho tabhi kuch baat hai!♡

You are beautiful you know...
In your sleepy voices,
messy hair,
Shy smiles, when you show you care
In your strong determination, when you dare
And in your soft long lashes and deep eyes!

You deserve much more better you know
Because your efforts are unbeatable.
Your respect towards girls is highly to be laid on
Yet you understand and maintain,
The balance between respect and your desires.

You express your feelings the way better than anyone can do.
You make your girl feel special,
In every way possible.
In one word,
You are priceless!♡

Don't know about other girls who hurted you.
But believe me, I'll never
Am always there with you
Just one call ahead
With you,
I can say

The bonds which we make
Aren't measured by time,
But the size of the imprint
They leave in your heart...

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