CHAPTER 3 [The First Date]

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The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of lavender and rose, when Evelyn received Jacob's message. She was in her studio, lost in the swirl of colors on her canvas, when her phone buzzed on the nearby table. The sound pulled her out of her creative reverie, and she wiped her hands on a rag before reaching for the phone.

Hey, Evelyn. How do you feel about going on an actual date with me? I know a great diner, and I've got a surprise planned for afterward. Let me know if you're up for it. – Jacob

Evelyn felt her heart skip a beat as she read the message, a slow smile spreading across her face. The simplicity of his invitation, coupled with the promise of something special, warmed her from the inside out. She could already feel the flutter of excitement building in her chest, a feeling she hadn't experienced in far too long.

She quickly typed out a reply, her fingers dancing across the screen.

I'd love that, Jacob. When and where?

His response was almost immediate.

Great! How about I pick you up at 7? The diner's not far from your place, and the surprise is close by too. :) See you then?

See you then, Evelyn replied, her smile widening as she set her phone down. She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through her, the anticipation of their first official date filling her with a sense of eager expectation.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already nearing 6 PM, and she realized with a start that she only had an hour to get ready. Normally, she wouldn't fuss too much over her appearance, but tonight felt different. This wasn't just any night—this was their first real date, and she wanted it to be perfect.

Evelyn hurried to her bedroom, her mind racing as she considered what to wear. She finally settled on a simple yet elegant dress, a deep emerald green that brought out the color of her eyes. She paired it with a black cardigan and ankle boots, a combination that felt both comfortable and stylish. She kept her makeup light, just enough to enhance her features, and left her hair in its natural waves.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, Evelyn couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. The woman staring back at her seemed different somehow—more assured, more at ease with herself. And she knew that Jacob had a lot to do with that.

By the time she finished, the sun had dipped fully below the horizon, leaving the sky a deep indigo. A soft breeze fluttered through the open window, carrying with it the scent of autumn leaves and the distant sound of the city settling into the night.

Evelyn took a deep breath, feeling a twinge of nerves as she waited for Jacob to arrive. She knew she was ready for whatever the night had in store, but the anticipation was almost too much to bear.

Just as she was about to check the time again, she heard the soft rumble of a car pulling up outside. Evelyn grabbed her bag and made her way to the door, her heart racing with excitement. As she stepped outside, she saw Jacob leaning casually against the hood of his car, a smile lighting up his face as he caught sight of her.

He straightened up and opened the passenger door for her as she approached. "Wow, you look amazing, Evelyn," he said, his voice warm with admiration.

"Thank you," Evelyn replied, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "You clean up pretty well yourself."

Jacob chuckled, glancing down at his outfit—dark jeans and a navy button-up shirt, simple but undeniably attractive. "I try," he said with a grin. "Ready to go?"

"Absolutely," Evelyn said, her nerves melting away as she climbed into the car. Jacob closed the door behind her before sliding into the driver's seat, his smile never fading.

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