CHAPTER 16 [Unresolved Issues]

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The winter had settled deeply over the city, its icy grip seeping into every corner of life. Evelyn's studio, once a sanctuary of warmth and creativity, now felt as cold and uninviting as the world outside. The sunlight that filtered through the frosted windows was weak and pale, casting long shadows across the floor.

Evelyn stood before her easel, staring at the canvas that had remained blank for far too long. Her mind was a storm of thoughts, her emotions tangled and frayed. Despite the recent efforts she and Jacob had made to reconnect, the underlying issues that had been festering between them were far from resolved. Every attempt to move forward felt like wading through quicksand—slow, laborious, and ultimately sinking.

Her brushes lay untouched on the table beside her, the paints unused, as if they too had succumbed to the heavy atmosphere that filled the room. Evelyn's frustration bubbled just beneath the surface, a constant, simmering presence that she couldn't shake. She knew she needed to paint, needed to find a way to express the chaos inside her, but every time she tried, the same sense of emptiness overwhelmed her.

Her phone buzzed on the table, breaking the silence. She glanced at the screen and saw Jacob's name, the familiar pang of anxiety tightening in her chest. They had been talking more, trying to be open with each other, but their conversations often felt stilted, forced. The easy, natural flow that had once characterized their relationship was gone, replaced by an uncomfortable tension that neither of them could quite address.

Evelyn hesitated for a moment before answering. "Hey, Jacob."

"Hey," Jacob's voice came through, warm but tinged with something that Evelyn couldn't quite place. "How's your day going?"

Evelyn sighed, glancing back at the empty canvas. "It's... okay, I guess. I'm in the studio, but nothing's really coming to me."

Jacob paused for a moment, the silence on the line thick with unspoken words. "I'm sorry to hear that, Evelyn. I know you've been struggling with your art lately. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Evelyn felt a flash of irritation at his words, though she knew it wasn't fair. He was only trying to help, to be supportive, but it felt like yet another reminder of how disconnected they had become. "I don't know, Jacob. It just feels like everything's off, you know?"

Jacob's voice softened, a note of concern creeping in. "I get that. I really do. But maybe we just need to keep pushing through, keep trying to work things out."

Evelyn closed her eyes, the weight of their situation pressing down on her. "I'm trying, Jacob. I really am. But it feels like we're just going in circles, like we're not really getting anywhere."

The frustration in her voice was clear, and Jacob's response was immediate, his tone more defensive than she had expected. "Evelyn, I'm doing everything I can. I've been there for you, I've tried to listen, but it feels like you're shutting me out."

Evelyn's temper flared, the simmering frustration boiling over. "I'm not shutting you out, Jacob! I'm just overwhelmed. I feel like I'm losing myself, like I'm drowning, and I don't know how to fix it."

Jacob's voice grew sharper, the tension between them crackling like static on the line. "You think I'm not overwhelmed too? I'm dealing with so much right now—work, my family, us. I'm trying to hold everything together, but it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough."

Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest, the argument escalating far quicker than she had anticipated. She had wanted to talk, to find some way to reconnect, but instead, they were slipping into yet another fight, the unresolved issues between them rearing their ugly heads.

"Maybe it's because we're not dealing with the real problems, Jacob," Evelyn shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. "We keep talking around things, but we're not really addressing what's wrong. We're just putting band-aids on wounds that need stitches."

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