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10 YEARS AGO....

'Doctor King, paging Doctor King to delivery room six, doctor King to delivery room six'

The loud beeping of machines, people's chatters and phones ringing in the distance was blended by the announcement as a dark skinned woman in her early 30s rushed down the corridor illuminated by flickering of fluorescent lights.

'Excuse me, coming through'

The young doctor was almost out of breath as she zoomed down the corridor of the small hospital. The town's hospital wasn't very big however it was enough for its residents.

And as the young doctor picked up her speed, she couldn't help but groan inwardly, her patient was slightly early and even if they had anticipated this it still doesn't help she was caught in the middle of her lunch break making her run all over the hospital to get to the delivery building.

'I'm here, I'm here'

She burst into the room slightly outta breath, both hands against her knees bending down only to be met by her patient's screams of pain, the young woman's mother stood by her daughter's side, holding on to her daughter's hand, offering all the support and love she could.

'You're late!' The soon to be mother growls out in pain barely managing to glare at her doctor/friend and the doctor smiles in reassurance.

'I know I'm sorry but hey, your kid caught me in the middle of my food and you know me and food so really he owns me one' she joked as a nurse helps her step into the required garments for the delivery.

The soon to be mom chuckles at that before growling/screaming out in pain. Her hold on her mother's hand getting tighter but the older woman welcomed it as brown eyes identical to hers looked at her pleadingly.

'I can't do this mama, it hurts!' She growls/cries out, beads of sweats against her forehead making her hair against her skin and her mother tried swiping it off her skin.

''Yes you can baby, I know you can' the older woman encourages placing a light loving kiss against her child's sweaty forehead as she growls once again in pain.

Doctor King finally equipped stepped in front of her patient's parted legs.

'Come on people, let's have a baby' she flashes an encouraging smile at the woman in the bed.

'Alright Nicki, push!'



The brunette and her mother who were in the middle of a conversation looked up at the door to Nicki's hospital room to see a nurse walking in with a bright smile, swiftly and carefully pushing the baby cot with her.

'Someone was awake and looking for their mommy' the nurse's smile didn't lessened as she strides in.

The older woman looking just her daughter moves swiftly toward the nurse taking the cot from her.

'Oh my' she gasps taking in her new grand-baby wrapped warmly in blue blanket. His tiny face scrunched up, lips poked out and she chuckles tearfully.

Nicki sat up against the hospital bed watching her momma take the baby from the cot, smiling down at him before bringing him over to her awaiting arms.

As the new born was placed her her arms, Nicki couldn't help the gasp she let out, having her son in her arms felt so warm and surreal, this tiny human was in her and she was finally getting to hold him.

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