Beat Me! Episode 42 Spin

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I gently placed some of my most treasured items on the table, feeling the presence of everyone around me—Jayden, Ga Ram, Iseul, Clouie, and Miss Kemuri. The weight of their concern was palpable, but I tried to focus on the memories these items held.

Jayden, flipping through the photo album, paused, his expression shifting as he noticed a particular picture. "Who's this guy?" he asked, curiosity lacing his voice.

I leaned over slightly, peering at the page he was on. "Oh, that's my big brother," I pointed out, feeling a pang of nostalgia.

Jayden looked up, surprise evident in his eyes. "You had a big brother, huh?" He glanced back down at the photo, his gaze lingering. "Where is he now?"

I hesitated for a moment, thinking about how little I actually knew. "He's somewhere... working," I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "I don’t really know where exactly, but he sends us things sometimes—money, gifts."

There was a brief silence as Jayden processed this, flipping through more pages in the album. The others remained quiet, respecting the moment. Clouie, ever observant, glanced at me with a knowing look but said nothing. Miss Kemuri, arms crossed, leaned back slightly, her gaze softening as she watched us.

Ga Ram and Iseul moved closer, peering over Jayden’s shoulder at the photos. "He looks strong," Ga Ram commented softly, trying to fill the silence with something positive.

"He was," I murmured, a faint smile tugging at my lips. "He used to protect me and Iseul a lot when we were younger."

Iseul nodded, her small hand gripping the edge of the table as she looked at the pictures. "I remember a little... but not much."

Jayden closed the album gently, his expression thoughtful. "Well, wherever he is, I hope he’s doing alright."

"Yeah..." I echoed, my mind drifting to memories of my brother. I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the present. "He’s always been like that—disappearing and reappearing, but never forgetting us."

Miss Kemuri broke the moment with a light chuckle. "Well, if he’s anything like you, Ri-An, I’m sure he’s tough enough to handle whatever comes his way."

I forced a smile, appreciating the sentiment. "Let’s hope so."

"Anyway, how's your house, Ri-An?" Ga Ram mumbled softly, her voice laced with concern as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. The question hung in the air, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting for my response.

I hesitated for a moment, staring down at the table where my treasured items lay. "Uhh..." I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "Broken... ashes... Yeah," I finally managed to say, each word carrying the weight of the reality I was still trying to process.

The room fell silent, the gravity of my words settling in. Ga Ram’s face fell, and she quickly looked away, clearly regretting bringing it up. Iseul moved closer, her small hand slipping into mine, offering silent comfort. Even Clouie, usually quick with a sarcastic remark, seemed at a loss for words, her usual smirk replaced with a rare look of genuine concern.

Jayden, who had been flipping through the album, slowly closed it and placed it back on the table. He glanced at me, his expression softening in a way that was unusual for him. "Ri-An... I’m sorry," he said quietly, his voice surprisingly tender. "I didn’t realize it was that bad."

I shrugged, trying to keep my composure. "It’s just a house," I said, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes. "Things can be replaced."

"But... some things can’t," Ga Ram whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She was always the emotional one, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and seeing her like this tugged at something deep within me.

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