Beat Me! Episode 53 Start of Justice

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I followed the routes he told me, my determination unwavering. I just couldn’t stand seeing anyone hurt, especially when there was something I could do about it. The thought of that guy, so desperate for help, weighed heavily on my mind. I had to put an end to this senseless grudge, no matter what it took.

The path he described was eerily quiet, the kind of silence that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I walked carefully, alert to every sound, every shadow that moved in the corner of my eye. But just as I was about to reach the old gym, my phone buzzed in my pocket, cutting through the tension like a knife. I glanced at the screen—Gyeo Wool was calling.

Gyeo Wool? My heart skipped a beat. Was he still angry with me? The last time we spoke, there was tension between us, and I had been afraid that maybe he wouldn’t forgive me this time. But then, I smiled, pushing those thoughts aside as I answered the call. “Hey, Gyeo Wool, how are you?”

My smile faded the instant I heard the sound of shattering glass on the other end, followed by a whimper. My blood ran cold. “Gyeo Wool?”

His voice came through, weak and trembling. “Ri An...” He sniffled, the pain in his voice palpable. “Call the... cops... convenience store...” The line abruptly went dead.

Panic surged through me like a tidal wave, washing away every other thought. I didn’t care about the grudge anymore, about the route I was supposed to be watching. Gyeo Wool was in trouble, and I had to find him—fast.

But where? Which convenience store? There were several in the area, and with every second that passed, my fear grew. I started running, my breath coming in short, frantic gasps as I sprinted through the streets. My heart pounded in my chest, a wild drumbeat of dread and urgency.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I spotted the store. The scene was worse than I imagined. The place was a wreck—shelves overturned, products scattered across the floor, and most terrifying of all, Gyeo Wool lying on the ground, blood pooling around him.

I skidded to a halt, my mind going blank for a moment before I forced myself into action. I called the ambulance, my voice shaking as I gave them the address. The cops were next, and I barely managed to keep it together long enough to tell them what had happened.

Then I was by Gyeo Wool’s side, dropping to my knees next to him. He was barely conscious, his face pale, his breaths shallow. “Gyeo Wool,” I whispered, my voice trembling as I tried to keep him awake. “Who did this?”

His eyes fluttered open, pain etched into every line of his face. He tried to speak, but his voice was barely a whisper, each word costing him more than I could bear to see. “Hoods...” he rasped, his voice hoarse and broken. “They... look... for... you...”

My heart stopped. They were looking for me? I felt a rush of confusion, fear, and guilt all at once. What had I done to put Gyeo Wool in danger? How could this have happened?

But there was no time to dwell on it. I shook my head, trying to clear the fog of panic clouding my thoughts. “Stay with me,” I pleaded, my hands trembling as I tried to comfort him. “Help’s on the way.”

The ambulance arrived in what felt like a lifetime, though I knew it had only been minutes. They whisked Gyeo Wool away, leaving me standing in the wreckage of the store, my mind spinning. The police arrived soon after, taking statements, surveying the damage, and going through the motions as if this were just another case for them, just another mess to clean up.

But for me, it wasn’t just another case. It was personal.

Days passed, and the frustration inside me only grew. The police hadn’t made any arrests. They hadn’t even found any leads. They said the cameras had been covered, no clear suspects. And then, one day, I got the call that made my blood boil.

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