Beat Me! Episode 67

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The tension between Viktor and the remnants of the original Poker Gang had reached its boiling point. Min Su and Hyun Woo tried to stand their ground, but they were outnumbered, overwhelmed by Viktor’s new gang. What had started as a confrontation quickly spiraled into something far more dangerous.

Viktor had always been a force to be reckoned with, but this time, he had a cruel edge. His gang was ruthless, following his orders without question. And then there was his sister, standing silently behind him, her eyes filled with reluctance. She didn’t want to be part of this—not the bullying, not the violence—but Viktor had forced her into it. She was trapped, caught between her loyalty to her brother and her own conscience.

Min Su and Hyun Woo tried to fight back, but the odds were against them. Viktor’s gang swarmed them, fists and feet flying, and within minutes, both boys were left on the ground, bruised and battered.

Viktor crouched down beside Hyun Woo, who was struggling to get up. A sneer spread across Viktor’s face as he grabbed Hyun Woo by the collar and yanked him closer. "You thought you could stand against me? You’re out of your league."

Hyun Woo spat blood onto the pavement, glaring up at Viktor with defiance. "This... isn’t what the Poker Gang was about."

Viktor laughed, the sound cold and mocking. "I don’t care what it was about. It’s mine now, and you’re either with me or against me." He tossed Hyun Woo back to the ground and stood up, dusting off his hands as if the fight hadn’t even been a challenge.

"Come on," he said to his gang, his voice casual. "Let’s go."

As they turned to leave, Viktor’s sister lingered behind for a moment, her eyes filled with guilt as she looked down at the two boys. She wanted to help, but Viktor’s grip on her was too strong. She lowered her head and followed him without saying a word.

After the fight, Viktor made his way to an old alley near the school. He was expected, and the figure waiting for him was none other than Da Eun, his ginger-haired friend who always had a smug grin on his face. Da Eun was lounging against the wall, a lollipop in his mouth, his eyes gleaming with amusement as Viktor approached.

"Good job," Da Eun said, his voice smooth and calm. He pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and handed it to Viktor. "Took you long enough."

Viktor smirked, counting the bills with a quick glance. "Ah, damn ginger. Thanks for the cash~" he said with a playful wink. Viktor wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity for easy money, and working for Da Eun had been just that—easy. All Da Eun had asked was for him to dig up some information about the old Poker Gang and its members. Viktor didn’t care about the why. The money was good, and that was all that mattered to him.

Da Eun chuckled, his lollipop making a slight pop as he pulled it from his mouth. "You’ve done your part. I’ll take care of the rest."

Viktor shrugged, slipping the cash into his jacket. "Whatever. As long as the money keeps coming in, I’ll keep doing what you ask."

Da Eun nodded, watching as Viktor walked away. His expression shifted as soon as Viktor’s back was turned—his usual playful demeanor replaced by something darker, more calculating. There was a reason he had been so interested in the old Poker Gang, and Viktor was just a pawn in his larger game.

But as Da Eun stood there, alone in the alley, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was stirring. The pieces were moving, and soon, the game would change. And when it did, he would make sure he was the one holding all the cards.

Ri Seok stood at the edge of the old neighborhood one last time, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, but he didn't flinch. His mind was made up. He was leaving it all behind: the Poker Gang, the violence, the endless cycle of chaos that seemed to follow him wherever he went. It was time to move on.

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