Chapterd 2: Jinx Vinx Café

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(Similar dress to Jays for visualization)

Shopping sucked, my feet are aching in pain and I have a major headache.

After I packed Joe's sleepover things, I took it to her school, as I promised. Than Mari dragged me to the mall unwilling.

'But we have to find a dress for the banquet' I repeat in my head, but with a snobbish attitude.

I toss the fabric onto my bed carelessly.

The dress, Mari basically picked out all by herself, was a long-sleeved white sequins dress with rhinestones on it. It "hugs every curve I own" in Mari voice. Which I feel is too revealing, I don't have as many curves as Mari, but in her words, "white girl got something". The slit adds spice, which I feel is no way appropriate for a banquet, more like the club, or an event, but again, in Mari words, "we showing up and showing out". I love her.

In total, I owe Mari maybe a million bucks for her helping through times! $300 goes to this event I will not enjoy. An outfit I will probably never wear again and let it sit in my closet until I have the decency to glance through it again.

I start to rush to get to work on time. One minute late that's money coming out of my work check.


"Nice to see you, Jay!" Darwin mumbles angrily fixing an iced mocha cappuccino.

"Just by 4 minutes smartass!" I mumble lowly under my breath.

"Nice! Now cash register duty," he hisses annoyedly. I head to the back to throw on my apron and tie my hair into a messy bun.

Once I return to the front behind the counter, I tap Ashley on the shoulder, my co-worker who constantly talks about unicorns and rainbows, literally! She turns around fastly smiling as she sees my face.

"Oh thank god you're here!" She hugs me tightly and it catches me by surprise, surprisingly. I should have expected this from her since she just goes around hugging everyone for any good reason.

"Welcome to Jinx Vinx Café! What can I get you?" I smile through the pain, knowing I hate my job and this stupid thing they call life. The woman holds up her finger telling me to 'sssh', while she continues to her conversation.

I wait patiently drumming my hand on the cash register. 2 minutes later she hangs up the phone and I stand up straight waiting for her order.

"Ah, shit! What the fuck did they want?" She mumbles to her self as she observes our charts. I'm pretty sure if Joe was here she would scowl her for the bad words.

"Fuck it. Uh, 2..." She looks at the chart highly annoyed as she squints. She pauses for a while than resumes.

"...Carmel Flan lattes, and a Caffe mocha." She doesn't look at me her focus is the chart and her phone.

"Would you like to try our wheat pecan muffin?" I would say it tastes like shit, but my opinion always gets me fired. I call out the order loudly for Darwin to hear.

"Does it look like I want a muffin." I stare at her for a while and, to be honest it looks like she needs one or two.

"For here or to go? Name to call or write onto a cup?" I ask looking at her patiently.

"To go and Ky!" She sighs still not looking up at me. Okay got everything, check. Wanna punch her in the throat, check. I tell her the total and she hands me the money. I give her change and receipt.

She finally glances up and she looks at me for a minute. Rather fascinated by something. I  wanted to snap at her and ask what is she looking at, but I'll get fired in a snap.

"Your eyes are really beautiful!" She smiles kindly. I glance at her baffled. She was just a complete bitch a minute ago now my eyes are beautiful. Bipolar much? Plus my eyes aren't even all that. They're just a light shade of brown like hazel. Boring hazel!

"Thanks." I smile kindly. Trust me if I wasn't on duty I would have completely put her in her place.

Minutes later her order is done and 2 other customers wait patiently. "Ky?" I call out and she is nowhere in sight.

"Ky?" I look around annoyed.

"Ky...?" She appears hanging up her cell and walking towards the pickup station. She grabs the tray of hot beverages and hands me a $50 dollar bill. Woah, nice tip.

"Uh, thanks, Jay." She smirks and exits carefully. Ump, I love how she uses my name tag.

"What a bitch!" I mumble lowly for my ears to hear only.


"Can't believe you're just now getting ready and it starts in 1 hour!" Mari groans annoyed.

"And they say black people are always late to everything!" She mumbles the last part but I hear it.

"Yeah, let's not turn this into a stereotype, and an hour is well enough." She looks really beautiful as always. Her beautiful red dress similar to mine just sleeveless. Her tattoo sleeve on both arms revealed.

Her thick curly hair pinned into a bun, her lips wearing dark red lipstick, her eyes add a little bit of eyeliner and eye-shadow, a little bit of blush on her perfect cheekbones. Her red pumps make her look like a sexy she-devil.

"Jay Riley Alden! If you don't get your tail into that dress, your ass will be grass!" She hisses angrily.

" Understand Mari I don't really want to go. Why don't we just stay here and cuddle while watching Netflix!"

"No babes, because we do that on a regular daily basis. Now up or I pick you up and carry you there like that." She points at my work uniform. Something I haven't changed out of because I literally just got off of work.

"Okay okay, give me 5 minutes in the shower and I'm out!"

"And ready for me to curl your luscious hair." She grins eagerly squealing. I actually don't know why, but Mari is in love with my hair. She calls it her natural silk and it's really annoying and weird.

"Don't do that Mari! I hate when you do that!" I groan annoyed.

"Shut up! Shower and dress, please." She groans impatiently.

As soon as I step out the shower and put on my robe Mari rushes in pulling me into a chair and starts drying my hair. It took her 30 minutes tops to do my hair into some loose curls. Then 20 to do my make up.

I can tell she's enjoying this moment as she dolls me up. At least that's what she says.

"DONE!" She sings as she steps back and looks at her creation.

"O.M.G I did good, you look so sexy!" She giggles. I glance in the mirror and she's totally right, I look gorgeous, I hate it.

"Ugh, I hate it!" I mumble under my breath at this astonishing moment. I look pretty hot, but I'll never admit that to her.

"Ah shut up, you look beautiful now dress and I'll be downstairs! I bought groceries as Joe said."

"MARI!" She hurries out the door before I can lecture her about doing that.

I told her to chill with Joe. I don't want her to think she can be easily spoiled by Mari. Especially with her grades and behavior at school. I know it's just groceries, but I was going to go get some tomorrow while she was at her friend's house. They both ALWAYS go against my word!

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