Chapterd 34: But you're not a girl

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I quickly follow the sounds of Joes yelling. I stick my head into the bathroom while closing my eyes.

"Is it safe for me to look?" I question and she whimpers out a "Yes".

"I called for Jay," she mumbles and she stands in front of the toilet, kinda blocking it. What is she hiding? My eyes land back in hers as she stares at me uncomfortably. Okay, how can I make this situation less awkward. She balances from foot to foot with her arm placed behind her back.

"I know, but she isn't feeling well so
I thought I could possibly help," I try my best efforts to persuade her I am worthy of helping. She shakes her head stubbornly and stares wearily.

"But you're not, ya know, a girl," she says confusingly and I chuckle. Wow, I'm not a girl, wish I heard that more often. Wish my mom stated that every time she forced me into a dress.

"Well I may not dress like one but I still have lady parts  and I'm still considered that gender," I explain and she slaps her forehead.

"I'm not saying you're not a girl but it's certain things I can't discuss with you because you're more masculine," she explains and I nod.

" I still understand situations, so I can maybe help you with whatever is going on." She nods and takes a frantic deep breath and I smile.

"I think I'm starting puberty," she says as she raises her eyebrows and does a "ya know" face.

"Ohhh, wait? Ohhh," I state as everything levels.

"Oh you're starting your period," I whisper as if we're surrounded by a group of kids who could hear me say that word. She nods and frowns.

"Oh okay, that's normal, this is normal. You're probably spotting right now. " Well uh my mom didn't really talk with me about this stuff, matter of fact, she wasn't even their when I began mine.

"This is a sign of young adulthood Joe, you'll be alright kid."

"So I'm basically a grown woman now, right?" She says as she folds her arms and I chuckle.

"Not necessarily "older" but more like your getting their. Your body can now produce and create things..."

"Like magical?" She says all giddy. Does Jay talk to her about this stuff! She's really making herself look bad.

"You can say that but it's natural to make another human being, not magic."

"Wait, so I can have a kid now?" She questions scaredly and horrified. Oh shit, I'm bad at this.

"Well like I stated before, it's not magic. A baby isn't just going to appear in your stomach, there's a few things that partake in that process but yes Joe, you'll be able to produce a child. But you're waiting until your 30, right?" I question and she giggles and nod.

"That's my girl!" I say and high five her.

"I don't even think I'm having children," she shrugs as she walks past me and I follow.

" Don't say never kid, don't say never," I chuckle as I flip off the lights.

"Any further questions Joe, take it up with your sister, I'm no help in this department, I can barley help myself," I chuckle and she nods.

"You did pretty good to me," she giggles and goes into her room.

"Yeah, you did do well Guery," Mari says scaring the living shit out of me. She walks forward with a bowl of Cheerios in her hand as she points her spoon.

"That was "grade A" advice," she winks and gives me thumbs up. Okay, so maybe I did good on the period side. If it's coming from Mari, I know I did good.

"So what was wrong? Did she get her hand stuck in the sanitizer wipe dispenser again?" What? How is that even possible?

"No, she got her P-E-R-I-O-D," I spell it out and Jay eyes widen.

"Wait seriously?" She questions and I nod.

"Yes, and she may have the mishap of thinking she's going to get pregnant," I state and Jay punches me as I crawl into her bed.

"What!" She yells.

"Ouch, I'm kidding, she said she doesn't want children," I groan and rub where she punched me.

"Holy shit, my sister started her cycle, this is fucking awesome." I turn to her afraid and curious.

"You want her to experience the worst fucking pain in her life? Bleeding, bloating, and mood swings, you want that?" I ask highly afraid.

"No! I'm just happy for her, she gets to experience womanhood. What it means to be a woman. I have to go talk to her!" She tries to get out of the bed, but I pull her back.

"Whoa there, I understand you want to have a sit down with her, but you're not feeling too good. I'll ask her to come in here because you'll like some sister sister time, okay?" She nods.

"While that happens, I can go get us all tacos from this place I does that sound?" I question, which only makes her smile more. She rises to move closer to me.

"Sounds great, I love you so much," she says pulling at my face and soon my lips. Sucking as she pleases. One thing Jay did was sloppy kiss and I love every second of it. Half the time she almost start something I know she can't finish, due to her not feeling well. I almost attack her.

"I love you too cheeks," I smile cheekily at her. Which makes her groan at the mention of the nickname I haven't called her in a while.

"Cheeks, ew. I thought we tossed out that name," she whines adorably.

"Nah, I think I need to bring it back. Especially since I get to grip them this time." I say as I softly squeeze at her butt. She jumps in surprise. I chuckle. Oh what she does to me. I bite at my lip and rise.

"I have to go get the food, I'll let Joe know you called for her." She nods while still holding this big smile. Yeah, I love her.

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