Chapterd 8: We're Going To California?

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"Do you know how worried sick I was...we were?" Now I would expect that to be Mari yelling, but nope that's all Joe, talking at me as if she's the parent.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I had way too much champagne last night and I don't remember much." I don't remember anything. I just remember the thing that went down with my ex.

"Why did you leave without me? Why didn't you come and get me and tell me that you wanted to go home, Jay?" Mari questions sadly, almost disappointed. I'm aware that my actions were irresponsible and selfish of me. I can only imagine how worried and upset I'll be if Mari did such a thing. She already keeps me out of her business enough...and that makes me mad enough.

Speaking of business, I also didn't forget she was crying and wouldn't tell me what was going on.

"I know I know. I wasn't thinking straight and I just...I just..." I shake my head.

"Yeah, you weren't!" She snaps angrily. That stupid vein popping out the side of her neck. I always know when she's angry just by that vein.

"It's fine, as long as you're okay," Joe reassures like she's an adult, again. I buckle my seat belt and prepare for the various questions Mari is about to throw at me. The car goes silent for a while. I almost think we're over this little misunderstanding, but nope.

"You are aware that you slept at a lesbian house right?" Mari asks idiotically with a huge smirk plastered across her face. I squirm in my seat a bit and turn to stare at her.

"Yeah Mari, I learned that this morning," I grit through my teeth annoyedly. My head is pounding and I'm super nauseous, my stomach is in knots right now. My eyes hurt a bit from the various sunlight we are opened to. I go to Mari's dashboard to find the many pairs of sunglasses she keeps in there, and just as I thought, multiple pairs fall out. I slip on a pair and pull down the mirror blocker thingy.

"Yeah, learned that this morning my ass," she chuckles hysterically catching a glance at me.

"I swear you guys curse like sailors," Joe calls from the back seat. I turn to glance at her and she throws me the fakest smile. I stick out my tongue playfully and she tosses a piece of candy at my nose.

"Apologies Joey. So you're into- you're into chicks now?" I turn quickly to face her as she breaks out into laughter. I slap her arm softly-knowing she's driving and I can't punch her.

"No Mari, I am not into chicks," I chuckle out.

"Jay, let's be honest here, Ky's fucking fine. The tattoos, short curly brown hair, her facial features are just put together. Plus she gives that bad girl, "fuck you" attitude. Let's not mention how loaded her family is...her mom is in Belgium right now, living lavishly." She smiles into thin air admiring the well explained luxury life of Ky.

"I obviously don't know anything about her or her family, just that they're rich. Since when did you become attracted to women?" I smirk deviously at her flipping the tables. She shakes her head as she chuckles.

"I don't have a preference, and sorry if I want to admire how attractive Ky Gurey is, I like to be honest with myself, you should try it," she adds nonchalantly as she causally shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay well you date her Mari, since she's all that and a bad of chips, as you would say," I grunt out annoyed. Why? Because I slept in someone else's bed that wasn't mine and basically harassed while in there by Ky and her creepy sister.

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