Chapter 55

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       Amy took a sip of her drink as she waited for someone. Soon,there was a small knock on the table and Amy looked up and smiled "Good evening Cole"  "Evening Miss, sorry I'm late" "No problem. Please have a seat". Cole was a private detective which Amy had hired to find out a few things about her mother's death. After her return a few months ago,she discovered that the man who had murdered her mother was actually in prison for a while but was released a few days before the incident. She wanted to know the reason behind it so,she hired Cole.
"About your mom's death Miss Thompson, I found a few things that you will find extremely... shocking". Cole took out a few things from his bag and showed them to Amy whose eyes slowly began to widen...
     The next day; the entrance of the Royalty Hotel was lined up with several expensive looking cars. They all belonged to the people who have come to attend the Thompsons' family reunion. Normally they don't have one of those,but Amy's uncle who had left the family for a long time was finally coming back.
After a while, Amy was already getting tired from waiting for her uncle "Seems like he's not coming after all" "Amy" "It's ok Charlotte. He did say he wasn't going to come back" "But what if I do come back?" "Uncle!" Amy turned around with a huge smile on her face and she ran towards the door while holding up her evening gown. Upon seeing her uncle, she jumped into his arms"Uncle Mason!" "Easy there baby girl" Mason was the last of the three children born by Julia Thompson, Amy's grandmother and he was actually Amy's favorite uncle. He had left the family a few years after Martha's death and Amy hadn't seen him since then so when she heard that he was coming back,she was excited and managed to convince her dad and uncle Liam to organize a little party for him. "Uncle Mason, I missed you a lot" Mason patted Amy on the head and smiled "Missed you too baby girl. Let me introduce you this is my wife Ava and my daughter Lily. Ladies, this here's my lovely niece Amy" "Hello, we've heard so much about you" "Yeah, and dad was right you're really pretty" "Thanks Lily. It's really nice to know that my uncle was able to find such a loving family as yours. Come on let me take you to your seats". By this time Mason was already in front of Thomas with his head lowered "I'm back brother" "Oh? Thought you said you were never coming back" "I'm sorry, I just-" Thomas cut him off with a hug "It's ok" "I really missed you big brother" "I missed you too. Welcome back" "Thanks". Mason saw Liam standing in front of him with his arms wide open but his reaction was shocking. He simply held Thomas' arm "Come on big brother, let me introduce you to the girls" and simply walked away "Why does it always have to be like this?" "What?" "Uncle Mason and dad. I just wish they would get over their issues and-" "No. Uncle Mason has the perfect reason for not talking to your dad" "Do you know what it is?" "Patience Charlotte, you'll find out soon"
     A few hours later, the party was nearing its end and several guests had left leaving behind the Thompson family as well as Shawn, Stuart, Jackson, Bruce, Ashley, Becky, Charlotte and Vanessa. Liam stood up and clapped his hands "Ok everyone. I just want to thank you all for tonight. And a big thanks to God for everything that has been going well. Amy and Mason are back making the family complete and the company is safe in Char-" "You must really be happy about that right uncle?" "What do you mean?" "Oh you know the fact that the company's finally in your hands after all this time" "Amy, what are you talking about" "Nothing dad. But I would like to ask, do you remember that time we had to travel to another city for your something important?" "Yeah" "And you remember that we missed our flight and got news that the plane crashed?" "Hmm hmm" "We were lucky. That incident was all because of dear uncle Liam" "What?!" "Shocking I know but it's true" "Amy, please tell me this is some sort of prank" "Yeah I know my dad would never do such a thing" "I'm afraid it's true" "Uncle Mason?" "Yes. I overheard Liam on the phone saying they were really lucky to get away with that and that he wouldn't stop until the company was in his hands. Guess he was jealous of the fact that the company was handed over to his younger brother instead of him" "But Mason, why didn't you tell me?" "I tried to Thomas, I really did but everytime Liam just shows up" "So that's why you decided to leave the house" "Exactly. I confronted him about it but he just wouldn't listen to me. I'm sorry" Liam suddenly stood up and ran outside while Mary, Charlotte and Jackson ran after him.
"Really sorry about that guys but there's something else I'ld like to tell you and this time it's about... Vanessa" "W, what is it that you want to say about me?" "I usually don't interfere in other people's business but considering the fact that we've known each other for a long time and you were good to me" "What is it?" "Shawn Fox,I think it'll be best if you know that the lady sitting beside you, the one you just recently got engaged to, Vanessa Anna Joyce,is  cheating on you" "What?!"

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