Chapter 68

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     2 weeks later
Amy and Shawn were walking in the Central Park while holding hands. They had  finally started dating after a lot of pressure especially from Amy's side. Her father almost didn't approve of Shawn because of what he did before but he soon accepted.  They  entered a small restaurant and were eating cake when Amy took a small cut out of hers and found a shiny engagement ring inside. She gasped and covered her mouth and Shawn  took the ring from her and got down on one knee "Amy from the first time I met you I knew there was something different about you perhaps it was the fact that you did to talk to me in a way that no other lady did or that you didn't even respect me at all like I thought you would. I can't really explain when I started falling in love with you; maybe it was that time at the Valentine's Day dance  or the time when you rescue me from drowning or even during the time we went to AT Group and you defended me in front of Xander. I was a different man before you came into my life, people knew me as nothing but a cold hearted machine but you came into my life and since that day something changed in me. I know I've made a lot of mistakes but I hope that you will be able to forgive me. Amy Thompson, I'm not going to ask you to make me the happiest man on Earth but I'm asking you to make me one of the most happiest men on Earth but marrying me. Amy my love will you marry me?" Amy looked around a several people kept chanting say yes say yes and she slowly turned to look back at Shawn who had a lot of expectancy in his eyes. She slowly stood up...

   A month later...
        Amy walked down the aisle with her arm tucked into her dad's. The people in the church slowly turned their heads to look at her and were mesmerized by her beauty she was wearing a blue princess wedding gown with its tiara on our head and a pair of earrings. ( The picture above is of their appearance). They finally reached the front and Shawn turned to look at Amy with tears in his eyes. Thomas placed Amy's hand in his and patted him on the shoulder as a way of encouragement as soon as Thomas was settled in his seat the priest began the wedding procession "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the joining of Shawn Fox and Amy Thompson in holy matrimony.  This has been ordained by God from beginning of time to serve his good purpose. Do you Shawn Fox take Amy Thompson to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health,  in wealth and in poverty to cherish and to hold until death do you part?" "I do" "And do you Amy Thompson take Shawn Fox to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health in wealth and in poverty to cherish and to hold until death do you part?" "I do" Shawn and Amy exchange wedding rings and the priest said "I now announce you as man and wife you may kiss your bride" Sean lifted the veil of Amy's face and brought a closer to him by pulling her waist eliciting a bunch of hoots from the crowd what's wrong love are you nervous of course I am what do you mean this isn't your first kiss is it "Of course it is. A mouth- to- mouth resuscitation doesn't count as a kiss and also I never kissed Ethan also there's so many pe-" Amy hadn't finished her statement before Shawn suddenly brought her closer to him and kissed her. Amy's eyes opened in wonder before she slowly began to kiss him back and they slowly parted from the kiss amidst a bunch of cheers from the crowd "How was that for your first kiss not bad eh?"I guess it wasn't that bad" Shawn simply chuckled and leaned his forehead against Amy's "Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me Mrs Fox?" "Yes I am Mr Fox"

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