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Faiths P.O.V.

I woke up by someone poking me in the face .Did i mentioned that am not a morning person?Well now you know.I opened my eyes to see my brother trying to poke me the face key word tried. I grapped his hand and turn it

''Ouch Faith i was just joking ' My brother said

''Stop being a softy,what to you want?''I asked him. My brother face sadenly turn serious .

''We have to go ,somebody texted me saying that they know where we are.Pack your thing Jacks dad said we can take the clothes and all and he given money so we can go.Am gonna pack my things so get uppackyour things.'' My brother said as he walked out the door and closed it on the way out (A/N Jack is her brother old friend.)


Now me and my brother were in the airport waiting for are flight we were going to Virginia .I am so excited about cause Blake gived me a call saying that he is sorry and that he knows that i run away and that he has a house in Virginia that i can live in there with him.My brother was also excited cause his girlfriend had moved there 1 year ago and he is moving in with her.

''Flight 345 needs to need to go in''


''Bye call me ''

''I will big bro ,dont forget me''

''if you need anything am just a phone call away''He waved at me and left with his girlfriend.

5 minutes later Blake come

''i missed you Faith'''
He said while hugging me

''i miss you too Blake''i said while hugging him back

''Come lets go go''He said and grapped my bags

As we got out of the airport he sawed me the way to his car and i stare at it in awe!

''A Lamborghini wow!''I sad amazed

''its not that much i have loads of them''

wtf i thought

''i forgot to say am rich ,now come get in.'' [-;

I did as he told me .

6 Months later

Me and Blake are a couple now but he gets jealous too easly the other time he beat a boy up cause the boy gived me my phone who had fall out of my pocked ,but i still love him.My brother was now married and had his own later we still talked and meet up sometimes.

4 Months After

I hate Blake with all my heart .Let me explain well he abuse me he will slap me,kick me....

I remember the first time it all started


Me and Blake were in the cinema watching a movie after the movie finished i wanted to go shopping ,Blake never liked going shopping with me so he went somewhere till i finished shopping.

When i finished shopping i counlt find Blake anywhere so i decide to go to Starbucks i got a amazing Chocolate Cream and i seat down to drink it .I turned around and there was a familiar boy looking at me .I counlt remember who was he. Suddenly he start walking to my table and seat down .

''Faith dont you remember me ?Its Alex we used to be best friend and then...''He trail off

''oh hi Alex.Yeah its being ages tilli last saw you''I smilled at him while talking

''I have to go but we can hang out another time''He told me then we exchange numbers

and he got up hugged me,kissed me on the forehead and left.

Suddenly someone grapped me from my hair and dragged me outside .Nobody saw anything when me and whoever was dragging me where outside he or she let go and i turned around Blake was there looking really angry .He grapped my hair again and dragged me in the car ,he pushed me inside the car and he went to drive .When we were outside of are house he dragged me inside and start kicking. slapping ,he then saw a glass bottle ,he grapped it and and broke it at my head .I felt something warm running down my face then i saw small black dots everywhere and i let the darkens take over.

End of Flashback

And from then he beats me everyday .and yes i have tried to escape and he found me and he nearly killed me.He said if i run away or tell anyone he will find me and kill me.I cant and i will never escape from here ,i become the weak girl i was back then .

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