Chapter 3

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As the sound of the taxi faded into the distance, Amara was left standing before the imposing gate, her hand resting on the handle of her suitcase, while clutching the handles of her bag she had swung over her shoulder, with the other. The sprawling mansion loomed in the distance, half-hidden by the dense foliage that surrounded it. A sense of foreboding washed over her, but she pushed it aside, reminding herself of the opportunity that lay ahead.

With a confident stride, she walked down the winding path, the mansion's details beginning to come into focus. A grand gothic-style structure loomed before her, its ornate stonework and dark windows exuding an aura of mystery and intrigue. The towering spires and pointed archers cast ominous shadows across the unkempt garden, while the imposing double doors seemed to guard the secrets held within.

Despite the overgrowth foliage surrounding the mansion, there was an undeniable elegance to its design, as if it were a beautiful rose left to wither in isolation. The mansion appeared to be a reflection of its enigmatic benefactors, and as Amara drew closer, she couldn't help but wonder what hidden truths awaited her inside.

The last of the evening light danced across the mansion's facade, illuminating the intricate carvings and casting a warm glow on the ancient stone. With a deep breath, Amara steeled herself and reached for the heavy iron knockers, knowing that once she stepped inside, her life would never be the same.

The sound of the heavy iron, falling against the hardwood doors, echoed through the vast space on the other side. However, once the loud bangs had faded, there was no response whatsoever.

Amara waited for what felt like an eternity, her heart thudding in her chest. The silence was deafening, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze. Doubt began to creep into her mind—had she misread the address? Was she in the wrong place?

Just as she was about to turn and leave, a faint sound caught her attention. It was the soft, deliberate clicking of heels against stone. Amara turned back to the doors, her grip tightening around her suitcase handle as she watched the shadow of a tall figure move across the stained-glass window above the entrance.

The heavy doors swung open with a creak, revealing a well-dressed butler standing before her. His expression was impassive, his dark eyes scrutinizing her with a quiet intensity.

"Welcome to the Sakamaki Mansion, Miss Higgins," he intoned, his voice smooth and measured. "I trust you had a pleasant journey?"

Amara swallowed, her throat suddenly dry.
"Yes, thank you," she managed to reply and the butler stepped aside to let the young woman inside. She thanked him with a shallow but polite bow as she passed him, before he closed the door behind her. The butler then motioned to her suitcase, and Amara got the message, as she reluctantly handed her luggage to the man.

"I'll see to it that your luggage will be sent to your room," the butler said with a kind smile and bow.

"Uh, w-where–," Amara wanted to ask, but the butler had disappeared within the blink of an eye.

As Amara stood alone in the grand foyer, tha mansion seemed to breathe around her, its silence weighted with secrets. The air held a hint of aged wood and different kinds of faded feminine fragrances, stirring Amara's curiosity about the Mansion's history.

A faint ticking drew her attention to an ornate grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging hypnotically beneath the intricate hands that marked the passage of time. The clock's chimes rang out, breaking the silence and urging Amara to focus on her purpose for being here.

She looked around the foyer, noting the elegant staircase that swept upwards into darkness and the hallway that stretched into the shadows beyond. Amara felt a shiver run down her spine, a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

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