Chapter 1

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Amara sat at her desk, her fingers absently twirling a lock of her chocolate brown hair as she listened to her teacher's monotonous drone. The clock seemed to move slower than usual, and she couldn't wait for the bell to ring, signaling the end of the day.

Just as she was about to doodle another vine in her notebook, a soft knock interrupted the lesson. Everyone turned to see the school secretary standing in the doorway, her gaze fixed on Amara.

"Miss Higgins, the principal would like to see you in her office."
Amara's heart skipped a beat. What could the principal want? She hadn't done anything wrong, as far as she knew.

Amidst the curious stares of her classmates, Amara gathered her belongings and followed the secretary down the hallway, her mind racing with possibilities. As they were let into the principal's office, she noticed a tall, well-dressed man sitting in one of the chairs across from the principal. He had an air of sophistication about him, but something about his presence made Amara uneasy.

Amara's eyes darted between the principal and the mysterious man. Her palms began to sweat and she nervously tugged at the sleeve of her uniform.
"Miss Higgins," the principal began, gesturing for Amara to take a seat. "This is Mr. Richter Sakamaki, a representative from a prestigious academy in Japan."

Richter stood up and extended his gloved hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amara."
Amara hesitated before taking his hand, her apprehension clear on her face. "It's nice to meet you too," she murmured.

The principal cleared her throat, bringing the focus back to the reason for the meeting. "Mr. Sakamaki has an exciting opportunity to share with you."

Richter smiled, but Amara couldn't help but notice a hint of something more behind his expression, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"I've come to offer you a scholarship," Richter said, his tone smooth and professional. "A chance to study at Ryoutei Academy, in Japan."
Amara blinked in surprise, momentarily forgetting her unease. "A scholarship?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.
Richter nodded, his smile widening. "Indeed. Our academy has been keeping an eye on students with exceptional potential, and your name has come up multiple times."
Amara's cheeks flushed with pride, but her inner caution resurfaced as she remembered the strange feeling she had about Richter. "I'm flattered, but why me? There must be plenty of other students who are just as deserving."

The principal chimed in, "Mr. Sakamaki is right, Amara. Your academic achievements, paired with your musical talent, make you an ideal candidate for this scholarship. It's not every day that an opportunity like this comes along."
Amara hesitated, torn between excitement and suspicion. Something didn't feel quite right, but the prospect of studying in Japan was too enticing to dismiss outright.

Richter placed a folder on the desk, containing details about the scholarship. "Take some time to consider it," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice. "But I must warn you that this opportunity won't last forever. We're looking to finalize the selection process in the coming weeks."
Amara picked up the folder, her curiosity piqued despite her reservations. As she flipped through the pages, Richter and the principal exchanged knowing glances, sensing that they were slowly wearing down her defenses.
"I understand this is a big decision," the principal interjected, her voice sympathetic. "Why don't you take the folder home and discuss it with your parents? We want to make sure you and your family are fully informed before making a choice."
Amara nodded, the weight of the responsibility suddenly feeling overwhelming. She stood up, the folder clutched in her hands, her thoughts swimming with possibilities.

"I have questions," Amara oppered.
"But of course. What do you want to know?" Richter asked, the smile not leaving his lips.
"Who'll cover the costs?"
"The scholarship covers all expenses," Richter answered smoothly. "Your tuition, room and board, and even travel costs will be taken care of. The funding comes from generous benefactors who believe in investing in promising young students such as yourself."
Amara considered his response, her mind still whirling with questions. "That's very generous, but how can I be sure this isn't too good to be true?" she inquired. "I mean, why would anyone provide a scholarship for someone they've never met before?"

Richter nodded, his expression understanding. "It's only natural to have doubts, Amara. But rest assured, our academy has a reputation for nurturing talent and providing opportunities for exceptional students like you. As for why we've selected you without meeting you, it's because your achievements and potential speak for themselves."
The principal chimed in, "I understand your concerns, Amara, but we wouldn't be encouraging you to consider this opportunity if we didn't believe it was legitimate."

The principal's words somewhat eased Amara's mind. However, another question still swirled around inside her mind. "Where will I be staying? I do have family in Japan, but I doubt that this school of yours is in the same area as them?"
"Well, Ryoutei Academy is located in Kaminashi Town," Richter stated.
"Never heard of it," Amara nearly cut him off, which resulted in the principal to verbally remind the girl of her manners.

Richter smiled, trying to put the principal at ease. "It's alright," he said. "I understand that all this can come off as suspicious. But, like Miss Smith already stated before, I assure you, Miss Higgins, there's no reason for suspicion, nor worry." Richter's voice was smooth and reassuring, speaking to Amara's naive side. Even though this all indeed seemed very suspicious, her naivety wants her to see the good in people, the good in this mysterious man and his intentions.
Softening up to the offer to study abroad, but still cautious, Amara replies, "I'll talk it over with my parents."

Richter nodded at the words, the smile not leaving his lips.
"Of course," he says understandingly, while reaching for something in the inner pocket of his coat. It's a business card, and he hands it to Amara, who takes it from him as he continues to say: "Contact me when you've made your final decision."

Amara nodded, non-verbally establishing that she'll do just that, once she's made up her mind. She put the business card in her bag and looked at the principal.
"You're dismissed," she said with a kind smile, and Amara nodded at her.
As the chocolate brown haired girl wanted to make her way to the exit of the principal's office, she gave one last glance at Richter, whose dark red eyes looked back at her. Even though his lips were curled up into a smile, his eyes weren't smiling along. They were piercing, intriguing, cold, and filled with urgent determination. They sent a chill down Amara's spine, similar to that one evening out in the woods, when Gealach had barked at the shadows.

Something within the girl warned her to stay away from this man, and not to go in on his offer to study abroad. However, her naivety wanted to believe in this man's good intentions, and with one final nod in Richter's direction, Amara left the office, just as the bell rang.

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