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Amara stirred at the edge of dusk, her eyes slowly fluttering open to the soft amber light filtering through the heavy drapes. The room, still bathed in shadows, felt cocooned in tranquility, with the muted gold of the fading day casting a delicate warmth over the walls. The bed beneath her was impossibly soft, its blankets wrapping her in a comforting embrace, though the true warmth came from Subaru's arms still curled protectively around her. Her own body heat radiated off Subaru's body, causing him to feel warmer to the touch then usual.

His chest rose and fell in a slow, rhythmic cadence, each breath a gentle whisper against the silence. The subtle sound of it anchored her in the moment, pulling her back to the intimate memory of the morning before. The softness of his hair, almost matching the whiteness of the pillows, brushed her fingers as she traced her gaze over his peaceful expression. His skin, illuminated by the dusk's glow, seemed almost ethereal. But then again, he actually is an ethereal being, as he's a creature of the night—a vampire. But Amara couldn't care less about that fact right now.

A smile touched her lips, brimming with emotion–as she thought about how he had looked at her then, the way his cold touch felt hot against her skin. That moment which had been shared in the half-light of dawn, when their world was going to sleep, and everything else fell away but the two of them. There had been no need for words. Just the closeness of their bodies, the soft press of his lips against her skin, and the gentle exchange of warmth that had lingered long after.

Now, wrapped in his arms once more, Amara felt the echo of that intimacy thrumming in her chest, a quiet but insistent warmth. It spread through her, slow and steady, as her gaze lingered on his face, memorizing the delicate curve of his jaw, the softness of his closed eyes. His breath was faintly sweet, mixed with the familiar notes of his scent–something surprisingly floral, yet warm and still rather masculine that had become so unmistakably him. Blended with her own, the fragrance created something wholly theirs, filling the space around them with a quiet intimacy.

She sighed, the sound almost inaudible, and shifted ever so slightly in his embrace. Her fingers absently twined themselves in his hair, soft strands slipping between her fingertips. She remembered how, just hours before, those same fingers had explored him in the early light–hesitant at first, then confident as his body responded to her warm touch. The memory sent a shiver through her, not of cold, but of something deeper, a quiet joy that felt almost overwhelming in its gentleness.

Her gaze softened as she took him in, this man who had held her so tenderly, who made her feel safe in a way she hadn't known before. She wanted to stay like this, in this moment where nothing else existed but the sound of his breathing and the warmth of their entwined bodies. The outside world felt distant, like a dream that had yet to stir awake, and she wasn't ready to let it pull her away from this quiet sanctuary.

As her thoughts drifted back to the early morning, Amara felt a rush of affection–no, something deeper. It was a feeling that had blossomed in the silent moments between words, in the shared breath of their closeness. It wrapped around her now, a weightless, undeniable truth that settled warmly in her chest. She tilted her head, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder, her lips brushing against his cold skin with the faintest touch.

He stirred slightly in his sleep, his arms instinctively tightening around her, as if even in unconsciousness, he knew she was there, and he wasn't ready to let go. A soft chuckle escaped her, barely more than a breath. She wasn't ready either.

The dusk deepened around them, the shadows growing longer, but in that bed, in that moment, time seemed to stand still. Everything else could wait. For now, there were only the two of them, wrapped in warmth, in memory, in something quietly profound.

As the last remnants of daylight disappeared, the room was enveloped in a comfortable darkness, punctuated only by the faint glow of the moonlight seeping through the windows. The world outside seemed to hold its breath, as if sensing the fragile moment enfolding within the confines of Amara's room.

Amara felt Subaru's breathing slow and deepen, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest a soothing lullaby in the stillness of the night. She closed her eyes again, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over her, a fleeting respite from the turmoil that awaited them beyond the walls of this room.

Just as Amara was about to drift back into the comforting embrace of sleep, a sudden chill swept through the room, causing her to shiver involuntarily. Subaru's arms tightened around her in response, drawing her closer against the coolness of his body. But the chill persisted, and with it came an unsettling sensation that something was amiss.

Amara's eyes fluttered open, her gaze instinctively darting towards the windows. The moonlight had taken on an eerie, blood-red hue, casting ominous shadows across the once serene room. A sense of foreboding washed over her, and she felt Subaru tense beside her, his attention also drawn to the peculiar shift in the atmosphere.

"Something's not right," Subaru murmured, his voice tinged with concern, and his eyes fluttered open too.

Amara nodded in agreement, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to shake off the overwhelming feeling of being watched. Her eyes never left the windows, scanning over them to see if anyone was out there.

Subaru looked up at her, noting she was staring intently at something outside. "Hmm? What is it?" he asked, as he sat up and followed Amara's gaze. A bat hung upside down against one of the window frames, its blood-red eyes peering into the room, locked on Amara.

"Hurry up and Awaken...Eve," an unfamiliar male voice rang inside her head, and suddenly her heart pounded painfully strong in her chest. Amara gasped, her hand flying to her chest as the phantom voice echoed in her mind. Subaru's gaze snapped back to her, his eyes narrowing as he took in her alarmed expression.

"Amara?" he questioned, concern lacing his tone. "What's wrong?"

Amara's eyes remained fixed on the bat, its blood-red gaze still locked on her. She could feel the creature's malice, its silent challenge. The voice, deep and commanding, reverberated in her mind once more, the words sending a shiver down her spine.

"Who...Who are you?" Amara whispered, her voice barely audible as she tried to bite back the painful throbbing of her heart.

The bat tilted its head, its gaze never wavering. Subaru's gaze turned back to the bat as well, his eyes narrowing with disgust and anger. "Get lost!" he spat at the bat, his voice dangerously low and full of promise that he'll tear the creature apart if it remained.

The blood-red gaze of the bat twinkled with malice, a sinister smile reflecting in them. "That's it, Subaru. Seems like you're finally reaching your full potential," the same male voice now echoed inside Subaru's head. "I'll be waiting," the voice said finally and the bat suddenly took flight, disappearing into the night sky. The sense of foreboding dissipated, replaced by a lingering feeling of unease. Amara stared at the now empty window, her mind reeling from the strange encounter.

"Subaru-kun," she breathed, her voice trembling. "I...I think I'm losing my mind."

Subaru's brow furrowed, his expression a mix of worry and determination. "No," he said firmly. "You're not. "That guy" is trying to reach you, but I won't let him. I won't allow history to repeat itself."

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