Chapter 9

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Amara woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked around her room, trying to remember where she was. Slowly, the memories of the previous night came flooding back—Subaru's fangs piercing her skin, his turbulent moods keeping her on edge. Then, Laito's fangs piercing the same bite mark on her neck, his intoxicating presence filling her senses, and the stark contrast of both experiences.

She touched the bite marks on her neck, feeling a shiver run down her spine. She knew she should be afraid, but instead she felt a strange sense of longing. Longing for something she couldn't quite name.

Just then, the door to her room burst open, and Subaru stood there, his eyes wild with anger. "You..." he growled. "Smell like him."

Amara's eyes widened as she realized the danger she was in. "W-why are you so mad?" she stammered as Subaru approached her.

"What? Why am I so mad?? Don't fuck with me. There's just one possible reason for me to be so angry! Don't you get it? He's messing with you. Don't you feel anything? I, at least, am enraged. Playing with yo-" Subaru rambled, but paused for a second, as if he suddenly became aware of the words he used. "With my prey, doing as he pleases. There's no way I can calm down!" he nearly yells, breaking the first nearest thing.

Amara flinched, feeling the fear rising in her chest. She shrank back against the headboard, trying to put as much distance between herself and Subaru as possible.

"Damn it, I can't calm down. My stomach boils out of hate towards that guy," Subaru said and he followed her, his movements predatory as he climbed onto the bed, caging her in with his arms, as he slammed his hands against the headboard.

"I-it's not like that," Amara stammered, hoping to calm him down.

"Aah? What are you playing at?" Subaru purred dangerously. "Don't tell me... You like him playing with you, don't you?"

"That's not it!" Amara protested, feeling slightly offended while a flush rose to her cheeks.

"Hmm, really? I wonder," Subaru mused aloud. "That expression of yours... you look like someone who is satisfied after they got to indulge in pleasure to their heart's content. Aren't I right? Aah???" he growled out.

"No, you're wrong!" Amara protested assertively. "I already told you, it isn't like that at all!" Subaru clicked his tongue. "Tsk, I can't believe a single word you say," he said. "Show me your neck," he continued to say, his voice sounding a tad bit calmer than just a second ago. "Quickly!" he demanded, his voice rising again.

"W-what are you going to do?" Amara asked, her voice quivering with fear.

"Ha, it's plain obvious. If you're not satisfied then I'm gonna sink my fangs in you until I can't take it any longer," he purred into her ear.

Amara's eyes widened, her heart beating faster. She tried to slither away from underneath, but he just followed her down, pinning her against the soft mattress.

"If you dare to resist, I'm gonna tear you apart," Subaru threatened. "I'd rather tear you apart myself...than handing you to him."

Against her better judgment, Amara tried to get away from him, any compassionate or romantic feelings she thought she had for him, vanished in that moment. Seeing her face twisted in fear made Subaru chuckle. "What? Are you scared?" he asked. "Then... stay still... I won't stop drinking your blood until I feel satisfied."

With that he sunk his fangs into the right side of her neck, drawing Amara's blood and sucking it. After a few strong sips, he parts away with a gasp, a sinister smile lining his lips.

"It still keeps flowing out," he comments. "You really are one incredible woman. Come on," he says while leaning into Amara's left side. "I'm gonna bite the other side." He then sinks his fangs into the same faded bite mark Laito had bitten her yesterday, sending a jolt of pain—and pleasure—through Amara's body.

Subaru's fangs sank deeper this time, wanting to erase any and all traces Laito left on his prey. His sucking was more violent as well, seemingly more eager. Amara just lay there, unable to move under the weight and strength Subaru put down on her.

"It's sweet," he gasped with a smile. "Amazing. So much sweeter from this side, like honey." He then continued to drink her blood again, gasping and sucking loudly. Amara gasped as Subaru's fangs pierced her skin once more, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her veins. She knew she shouldn't be enjoying this, but there was something about his possessive touch that made her feel desired in a way she had never experienced before.

"How does your body feel?" Subaru asked, his voice surprisingly soft compared to his raging temper. Perhaps the taste of Amara's blood had a soothing effect on him? "Having me drink from you like this," he continued to say, a low chuckle escaping his lips. "I can't stop. Without even realizing it myself, I might be unconsciously enchanted by your blood and body. It's all your fault that I'm like this. Your body—no—you everything is inviting me. Be aware of it. Be aware and embarrass yourself more."

Amara was too stunned to speak, too many different kinds of emotions and feelings swam through her mind, body and heart.

"Now, come here, I'll give you more. Your arm's next, show it to me," Subaru said, and without thinking, Amara lifted her arm, even though her mind cried out to her not to do so. Before she could retrieve it back, Subaru had already a grip on it, sinking his fangs into the skin.

As Subaru continued to feed on her, his grip tightened, and she couldn't help but let out a small moan of pleasure.

This seemed to encourage Subaru even more, and he let out a low growl of satisfaction as he deepened his bite. Amara felt her head spinning with desire, her body trembling with need.

But just as she was about to give in completely, Subaru suddenly pulled away. "...More..." he gasped and drank some more, before pulling away again to catch his breath. "It's weird... Is the hatred making me go mad? My thirst should've been quenched long ago, but my appetite is endless," he voiced his thoughts, before greedily sinking his fangs back into Amara's soft skin, as he sat atop of her.

As he continued to feed on her, Subaru felt his own heart racing, his body temperature rising ever so slightly. His own excitement grew, caused by the taste of fear and desire in Amara's blood.

"Shit," he gasped. "I can longer push the brakes. It's your fault. Assume your responsibility." Once again he launched back onto her arm, sucking more and more blood from her, before pulling away again.

"The sweetness of the blood oozing from your throbbing veins," he mused aloud, and took a few more strong sips from Amara's arm. "Damn it," he gasped. "Why are you so sweet?" He planted a surprisingly soft kiss on her arm, his gaze meeting hers as he panted. "Look at you making that face," he said with a coy smirk. "Oi, from now on, don't give your blood to him—No, don't ever give your blood to any of the idiots that live in this house. You're mine. A prey only for me," he growled, his voice filled with a possessive intensity that made her shiver. "Promise me."

Amara nodded, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of this strange sense of pleasure. But even as she gave in to his demands, she couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. That there was more to this angry and dangerous vampire than she could have imagined.

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