Mi Mujer

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What happens after the scene when Marta tells Claudia that she isn't firing her? After that intense exchange of gazes between Marta and Fina?

As Claudia walked away, wiping the errant tears from her eyes, Marta and Fina watched her go. Marta was the first one to break and looked at Fina. Fina was already looking at her, with an expression Marta couldn't exactly decipher. Marta felt the weight of it on her chest. She sought out its meaning, as words failed her. Was Fina proud of her? Did she approve? It was silly to feel so trapped in a look, but Fina was, in the end, her moral compass, her better conscience, and she wanted above all else, to do right by her.

Fina looked both ways, checking to see if they were alone. Marta felt her heartrate pick up, as it did whenever Fina came near. As she stook only inches away from her, Fina looked down at her feet, then up again, and Marta felt like she couldn't breathe, anticipating what Fina would say. The last few days, she had felt Fina's disapproval like an albatross.

"Thank you," Fina said, as she reached her hand out subtly, brushing her fingertips against Marta's. That small gesture, that tiny caress, sent ripples of electricity up through her arms, straight up her spine, enveloping her heart with warmth.

"Thank you," Marta whispered, more intensely than she wanted to, but she was still moved by Claudia's gratitude and her desperation. She could still feel the dampness of Claudia's tears on her sleeve. In a dangerous move, she linked her index finger with Fina's, searching out the warmth and strength of her hand. Fina seemed nervous, but then let Marta fold her hand into hers. When her palm slid against Fina's, it was a heady thrill. Fina loved her. Fina was hers.

"Thank you for making me a better person, for challenging me, and giving me the courage to face my brother, my family," Marta said, sincerely.

"I know it wasn't easy, but that's why I love you so much," Fina whispered. "Because you manage to always do what's right- to stand on what you believe."

Marta grimaced, "Not always, sometimes I'm scared. I let fear dictate my choices." They exchanged a knowing look.

Fina squeezed Marta's hand in hers, "No, look at me." Fina waited to find Marta's eyes again. "It's not easy to be in your position. I know we ask a lot of you. I know deep down you care for Claudia as much as we do."

"You all drive me crazy!" Marta laughed, injecting some levity in their exchange.

They smiled at one another. When they quieted, Marta continued.

"Seriously, though, who am I to judge someone for falling in love, for getting swept up in a dizzying, world-tilting, awe-inspiring love for someone? For letting passion overtake reason?" Marta's eyes panned over Fina's face, her eyes, her nose, finally landing on Fina's lips.

Fina let out a sharp exhale, as if she was holding her breath this entire time. Checking again to see if they were entirely alone, Fina flipped Marta's hand in hers, so it was palm up. She traced the lines with her forefinger, and Marta swallowed.

"Will you let me come thank you later for being so brave; so compassionate. For making me so proud to call you, my woman?"

Marta's mouth went dry. Hearing Fina call her that sent a jolt of longing and need, straight to her belly. She wanted more than anything show her just how much that was true.

"Hearing you say you're proud to be mine is enough. Come find me later."

"I will," Fina promised.

With that, Marta turned her hand over, squeezed Fina's once again, and straightened, as if gathering enough willpower not to pull Fina into her. As she walked back to her office, Fina's words sent a shiver of satisfaction up her spine. No one could make her feel so full, so elated, so strong, so invincible, like her woman.

Dreams of Liberty: a Marta & Fina (MAFIN) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now