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Hell raising, hair raising

I'm ready for the worst

So frightening, face whitening

Fear that you can't reverse

Max had been to Hell (a.k.a the Upside Down) and back more times than she felt was strictly necessary for what was supposed to be the boring town of Hawkins, Indiana. She was constantly on alert, even when she was stuck in the hospital bed because the doctors refused to believe that she was fine.

Max knew things would never go back to normal. She would always have this fear, that something was going to happen. She felt like she was five again when she realized the dark scarred her. But like Max had told Steve, it also felt safe.

As much as Max hated to admit it, she was kinda glad the Upside Down happened. She made new friends and gained a family that actually cared for her.

The negatives always seemed to outweigh the positives though.

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