Kiss led to confession

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                                   Reds pov

I can't stop thinking. I lay in my bed and stare at my ceiling. Remembering yesterdays events. My mind starts wandering to Chloe. I feel so stupid. Was I trying to kiss her? I'm not gay. She's my best friend. I then think about all our moments. Realizing how I felt in those moments.

"Oh my gosh."

I run up to my phone line and dial maddoxs number.

I heard the other line say.

"Maddox I don't have a lot of time to explain but I think I like someone that's im not supposed to like because she's my best friend.



"Uh.. Yeah.. "

Maddox starts chuckling

"It's about Chloe isn't it?"

"What how do you know? "

"Well you never shut up about her."

"True but hey uh I gotta go so bye! "

I hang up the phone and immediately run to the boys dormitory wing and knock on azizs door.


He opens it and smiles at  me.

"Look azzy I need to talk to you. "

"So do I red. "


Not even a second later he pulls me in for a kiss but I immediately push him away.

"What do you think you're doing? "

"Don't you like me red?"

"No idiot I like Chloe! "


"Sorry if I gave you mixed signals but I don't like you! "

"Oh, sorry I got the wrong impression. "

                                  Chloe's pov

I run back to my dorm with tears in my eyes. Aziz just kissed red, I guess they're dating now. I run inside and slam my door and collapse onto the floor. Why am I so mad and jealous?!

Then I hear a soft knock at the door.

"Chloe? Can I come?"

It was dizzy, one of the youngest original isle kids and one of my really good friends.


I wipe my tears and see her immediately run to me and hug me. I embrace her hug feeling safe but

It wasn't red hugging me.

"What happened are you ok?"

She lifts me up from the ground and wipes my tears with her hand.

Red does it with her handS while reassuring me.

"Yeah it's just stupid stuff."

"Was it a boy?"


"ok ok sorry, but who's this about?"

I look at dizzy knowing I've told her everything before, but nothing about red.

"It's just, aziz kissed red and I just got mad."

"Omg you like aziz and you got jealous that red kissed him?"


"Oh my gosh yes you're in love with him."


The world becomes silent. I could hear my heartbeat racing. Dizzy pulls me into another hug.

"Thanks for telling me Chloe."

I hug her back

"Sorry I yelled at you."

"It's ok, I was being pushy."

Suddenly red walks in.

"Oh my gosh princess are you ok?"

Dizzy looks at me with a smile.

"I'll leave you two be."

She then walks out. Red immediately ran to me to and held me up before I collapsed to the ground. Seeing her reminded me of why I was crying two minutes ago.

"Hey hey hey it's ok, I'm here now princess."

I look up at her and wraps my arms around her tightly so she won't get away from me again.

"Is aziz your boyfriend?"

*record scratch*

"Woah, why do you think that?"

"I saw you two kiss."

"I didn't kiss him my love, I pushed him away."

My love. She's never called me that before. She's only ever called me princess, bluey, clo, Clorox wipe when I'm on my period. Its weird but it's our inside joke.

I stare into reds beautiful brown eyes. She's here with me. She's mine, not his.

"I love you red."

Red brings up her hands to wipe my tears then rests them on my waist.

"I love you more Chloe."

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