Chapter 2

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    She had fallen unconscious, while running during the night as fast as she could.
She woke up, her visions clearing. She was surrounded by bushes and trees. She slowly raised her head, struggling to sit and lean against a tree  as her tummy rumbled.
Her head was spinning. She felt like she would pass out.
Slowly, she stood on her feet; struggling to gain her balance. She began walking, the whole world spinning and rolling under her feet. She moved, each wobbly step supported by a tree.
      She couldn't even last up to five steps before she fell to the floor once more. Her vision slowly blurring, the last thing she saw before she fell into complete darkness... was a pair of black boots in front of her eyes.

10 Years later...
       Ducking swiftly, her brown hair loose as she ducks. Her blue eyes glowing, the sword in her left arm. Swiftly defending the attack. She placed force on the attack, pushing him backwards. Gathering enough time to regain her balance.
Holding her sword firmly in her right palm, she grins. Then she positions herself and waits. He looks breathless, he regains his balance too and they both attack each other.
      The sound of clashing blades repeatedly echoing in the air. She dodged every of his attack with ease. After long full hours of fighting, she finally trips him off his own feet. And points a sword at his heart. He lays on the floor, his hand raised in surrender.
She smiled, she had finally defeated him after long lost years. His eyes are filled with amusement, as she slowly redraws her sword and takes a step back. He rises to his feet  dusting his body soon after. Raising his gaze to meet hers, he smiles back.
"Incredible." He comments, but she doesn't reply.
They both walked to their rooms, he had walked her to hers first before proceeding to his.
     She hesitantly closes the door shut behind her after bidding him good night. The light from the burning embers greeted her as she sat on the rocking chair. Which was placed right in front of the burning embers.
She slowly rocked, as her gaze became distant, while staring at the burning embers as they burned to ashes infant of her.
    7 year old Treah was thrown out of her own home. She was deserted on her own, she was left to run away from the wicked world...
Well, until he found her...
      Her nails dug into the arms of the chair as she remembered the past. Though she knew, she had to keep her anger under control. She took in two steady breaths, before finally getting to her feet.
Carefully walking towards the window to get some fresh air.
She felt so suffocated.

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