Chapter 1

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She ran as fast as she could, once she got to the hill. She stopped, looking forward and climbing the hill.
Once she was at the top, she looked around confused and terrified. Blood still dripping from her nails.
She spots a cave, and her curiosity takes over her, as she shakily and reluctantly steps in.
"Welcome..." a voice calls from within the cave, it sends shivers down her spine. Halfway in, light suddenly turns on in the cave.
She looks around confused about where the source is. "Who..." before she could finish her statement... she trips, causing her to land face wards to the floor.
Her hands help support her landing, but her forehead lands on a diamond on the floor.
It glows bright then brighter. Her forehead slowly absorbing the light. She falls unconscious, and there is a roar of laughter echoing in the cave long after that.
Soon, it was all pitch black.
She woke up, her vision blury. She was confused as to where she was, and considering how dark it was... she was trembling to death.
She could still feel the blood of those creatures on her jaw, palms and including her nails. She had to get out of here if she needed to stay alive. She shakily got to her feet, looking around and spotting a dim light which seemed to move.
As she moved, she then realized that she was the source of light...
She was glowing.
She heard the sounds of footsteps, fear gripped her strong enough to make her fall. But she kept her balance and sprinted towards an unknown exit she had spotted.
From behind, she could hear laghters, "keep running from your true self." The voice had called, before it faded and she blended in deeper with the bushes that night.

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