007. Unserious Talks With Ava

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-- 𝓡eticent, Chapter seven.

  -- 𝓡eticent, Chapter seven

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Narrator pov.
June 31, 2024
(real life)

Avalon started a podcast during the summer, on the days she didn't have any games. She had always wanted to have her own podcast where she can talk shit and be messy or just enjoy her guests company. She had decided that for the first episode, she'd ask some of the girls on the team if they wanted to be on it.

She spent the whole week trying to come up with a name. She ended up coming up with...

Unserious Talks With Ava

She thought the name was corny but it was the best she could think of on such short notice.

"So!" Ava clapped her hands together, everyone was in the locker room, getting dressed. "who wants to come on my podcast tomorrow?" she asked, their heads snapped towards her and some hands flew up.

Syd, Kelsey, A'ja, Kate and Chelsea all raised their hands. Ava smiled on the inside.

"Kate, i was gonna have you on there anyway so put your hand down." Ava demanded, slapping the girls' hand down. "anywho, you five can come to my crib at like 3."

"Bet. What we gonna be talking about, lil bit?" Syd asked, packing her bag.

"We're gonna talk about basketball, of course. but really anything cause i don't have any specific topics that yall would be interested in."

"Can i talk about how you farted while we were doing drills today and then blamed it on Kate?" Syd held up one finger with a tight lip smile.

Ava glared at her and flipped her off, "absolutely not. and it really wasn't me who did that." Avalon lied, going to her locker to grab her bag.

"Bro, i smelt it in your direction!" Syd argued, throwing her hands out.

"No you didn't!"

"Yes i did, fonk booty!" Syd yelled back, Ava grabbed her jersey and ran towards Syd who immediately ran away. Ava was close enough to swing her shirt and hit the back of the older woman's head.


Ava's set up was cozy and minimal with a few pastel pink and gold things around. she had a long pink couch that was big enough to fit them all on. She opened the door for everyone to get in the room.

"Of course it's pink shit in here." A'ja mumbled, but her tone was completely playful. she saw the mics that people always used in podcasts, she jogged towards them and picked one up, "I've always wanted to use one of theseeee."

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