chapter 10

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[ memories ]

Author pov:

Both men walking down the forest in the pitch-dark forest, trying to find their lost comrades. Thundering clouds covering the sky, making the calm wind go feral. In mere seconds, the nights have been changed into a stormy night. Heavy falls of rain falling into the ground where several hearts were crying and broken. The screeches of those creatures also can be heard with the thunders.

"Look! That's a house right.?" Lennox whispered with a hint of happiness.

"Yes, it looks like one. Let's go." Cyrus commented as both stared sprinting towards said destination.

As they both went near the seems like to be a house takes form in some kind of tent. Some places where torn and somewhere damaged. Overly the outside of the said tent has blood smeared on several places. With the heavy down pouring both of them rushed in. the place looks very much abandoned and damaged. Things in there scattered everywhere. Boxes, clothes, bottles... everything there is hinting that it was once used. For like a medical base or some emergency shelter.

"Is there any medical kit?"

"No, there isn't any..."

"Shit!... go get some herbs... you know for the fever."

"That one right. I am not sure it will be here tho.?"

"It doesn't kill by trying to find some. Doesn't it."

"Fine..." Kane murmured as he took off to the jungle trying to find the said herbs.

Seeing Kane slowly disappearing into the jungle Luke sighed as he looked at you. Lying in his lap as he slowly strokes your hair. Your body burning up in high fewer as you huddled up on to him.

"Why are you like this. Knowing damn well you can't handle cold well." he scolded you in a calm manner. "Why... why are you like this babe... why?"

Eyes becoming watery as he kept looking to you. Your face of discomfort from the high fever. Dried tears... trembling body. He felt so helpless. The rain hasn't stopped, and her fever is going high very minutes passing by. somehow, they both managed to make a little hut by using some branches and leaves. A sob leaves his mouth as it mixes with the sound of the rain. Then another one. Tears streaming down his eyes as he held on to your hand.

His mind and heart fighting and accusing each other. Whatever they say is going hurt him. Is going to be targeted at him. Afterall, they both are in him. One thing they both agree is that if they didn't blame her no fought with her then she wouldn't be in this state. Maybe not, but not this much serious.

"Why can't things be normal." He murmured through the sobs as he remembered how full of life you were before.

That carefree smile of yours. A little smile break through his lips as he continued to cry in silence. Hoping that you will be fine after some time. Hoping that his body will provide you some amount of heat. Hoping that his presence will heal some pain in your heart.

Out in the rain someone was hearing all the cries of the desperate man inside. He can feel how broken he was. How helpless he is. As much as he wanted to give the herbs to you and ease your fever, he chooses not to. He decides to let the boy cry as much as he wanted. He physically knows how it feels.

Letting a deep sigh as he sat near the trees across from the hut they made, he looked up to the grey sky. It was crying too. Just like that day. the day his life changed forever. He still remembers the bodies of them. The victims of his ignorance. Just because he became a little greedy, how his everything became lifeless.

It was a normal Tuesday, just like any other family would have arguments every other day, he came back from the work late, just to prove that he is still angry. That night the sky was roaring and crying. Like telling him that something is wrong. His gut feelings telling him to go to home. But He decides to ignore it. just like thousands of phone calls from his family.

Has he opened the front door he was met by a sight he never wished to see in his entire living life. His parents, and his beloved wife lying on the floor in the pool of their own Blood. Which was spattered everywhere. He stood there in shock. Like he forgot how to breath.

Bringing up the courage he slowly moved towards his wife. It's only been nine months to their marriage. And recently they have known that they are expecting. With trembling hands, he cradled her bursting into tears as his mind finally responded. Thousands of nerves in his heart pulling and churning in pain. Tears following through like it was a river.

"I am sorry..." he mumbled. "I AM SORRY!"

At that time, a loud thundering roar echoed through the sky as the downfall started heavily. Joining in his misery.

"it's been two years... and I am still grieving over you" he chuckled bitterly as he stared into grey abyss. "Guess I will have a mouth full when I meet you huh.?"

True, he was the first one to marry out of the friends he has. He doesn't regret that. A deep breath left his mouth as he broke the gaze from the sky. Sudden reality hitting him as he looked into the dark forest around him.

"How am I going to tell this to lenn..." he murmured as he brought his self together. hugging himself.


A silent word hang on my mouth, as I draw this ghostly breath.

A silen war starts in the horizon, it takes its even breath.

There is a word dead in my mouth, and together with my hopes.

I look to the sky; a clear word linger in my eyes.

Save me, save we, save it.

Those brakes if light, like flowers on a snowed ground.

the warmth it spread, in my chilled heart.

They can't tell, what life it brings, breaking the cold that holds me still.

Are you there? Are you around?

The chill of the night, they held me tight, my only comfort was in your warmly hands.

Rob me, rob me free of this all plight.

Like the cat steals the rat.

Let me be empty, empty like a lonely room.

Oh clouds, don't cover my life.

My life, written in the grey sky.


A broken voice reading the poet, silently breaking the lifelessness as he cried along the sky, attempting to find some peace in the current situation. It's true that soul heals by crying... but for some, they just tear open the wounds that were healed poorly.

Sometimes the happiest memories are the ones that ends up killing you.

End of chapter ten

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