chapter 13

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[ A time to relax?]

In what seems like an abandoned research lab two men was wandering in it aimlessly. Going through every door they can open and overlooking everything. It's hard for them to believe that the island with a magnificent kingdom will have a research laboratory so modern. Nothing is making sense. They don't even know how they made it in that creepy looking place at the first. A moment ago, they were just roaming in the forest trying to find their long-lost friends.

"It's been three nights and four days since we were separated" Lennox murmured to himself while looking out the tinted window.

"Surely enough let's hope that everyone is alive somehow." Cyrus mumbled to himself wondering into his thoughts.

Trying to convince himself that everyone is fine. Ever since yesterday he has this unknown feeling in his heart that is making him worried. Something surely happened to someone. Not ignoring the fact that Lennox cried in his sleep the day youngsters of the group went missing. No one noticed that. Not even Lennox himself. And he couldn't muster up the courage to tell him that. Those tears that day felt like the soul was weeping in sadness.

"Where in the world are we. This was clearly not in the information given about the island." Lennox scoffed. "You are telling the truth, right?"

"of course, why would I lie to you."

"Tell me this is a kind of pity prank."

"I wish I could." Cyrus huffed walking further in. "we should try find something to alert others that we are here."

With that both pair went in trying to find at least a torch. It will get dark soon and still they don't know whether that place is safer than outside. They had figured out that the creatures are more active in the night than the day in past days. It's a miracle that they have survived to this point with all the encounters they have had with those things.

Luckily, they have found themselves some pistols with ammos and it helped them big time while wondering in the dark forest. though they have somehow got the nasty scars of those things they are pretty much fine with six hours of sleep-in total for past four days.

"Does that bite still hurts?" Lennox asked out of blue rummaging through a cabinet in the hallway.

"It is bearable." Cyrus said as looked at the wound on his left hand.

He had wrapped it with some cloths to stop bleeding, but the stain of blood is getting bigger hour by hour. still not sure how it managed to bite his hand when they were fighting against couple of those in the afternoon.

"it's getting dark let's make a fire... it should keep us warm and give some light through the night." Cyrus huffed trying to take his mind off from the pain on his left hand.

"This room looks safe. In the worst-case scenario, we can jump of the window it's not that high." Lennox stated examining the room which they currently are in.

With both sides agreeing they blocked off the door by moving the furniture near the door, so the creature's wont barge right in and they would have time to save their selves. Taking down a book self they created fire with the help of the lighter Lennox have. Cyrus isn't sure why he has it, but he is glad. With the room lighted up and warmed to some extent they decided to give their bodies some rest.

Taking out the medical kit from the bag Lennox brought Cyrus tried to take care of the wounds on his body before it develops bacteria or fungus. Somehow with the rucks happened before, he had also managed to lose his bag which contains the majority supply of ammos and clothes. Losing the ammos sure made them upset but on the bright mind they both are alive.

With one hand injured Cyrus was having a tough time treating his wounds. Lennox who was making the dinner noticed it and came over to him to help. Not saying a word, he grabbed the bandage from his hands.

"Let me... you are doing a bad job" Lennox said as he prepared the equipment's to treat the wounds.

"Sorry..." Cyrus murmured letting the other do his work.

No words were exchanged between them afterwards. Disinfecting and cleaning the wounds to bandaging it Lennox did all that so professionally. Who was Cyrus to judge. Lennox might have his reason. And every person should know how to do that.

"These would need stiches..." Lennox said pointing to the wounds on his arms and legs.

"But we don't have the supply for that-" Cyrus hissed in pain when Lennox pulled a hair strand off from his head.

"These are too short..." he thought for a moment. "Bear with it."

With that Lennox pulled out a sewing needle from nowhere and started to heat it. after pulling out some of his hair like a maniac he just stared at the wounds. Maybe warning them to keep the pain minimal. After needle was heated to the desired level, he pierced some holes in the skin to the stiches using it. after it was done, he again cleaned the blood off from it letting it heat again. It was when Cyrus managed to understand that he was disinfecting the needle.

Stitching up the wounds using his hair which was long enough to do its job.  they both had difficulties cause Cyrus was not a good handler of pain. They had to stop the stitching for like three times because he unconsciously moved his leg. Despite being a smart person Cyrus was a bit clumsy. Everyone has flaws and its ok.

After stitching up the wounds on Cyrus's body, Lennox treated his own wounds which was much less than the other. Having the dinner afterwards with some chitchat to lighten up the mood they decided to call it a night and get some rest. Senses on high alert as they tried to get some sleep lying on top of the books the bookshelf had. It's better than nothing at this point.

"Get some rest while we can."

"You should sleep. I will stay up." Luke said caressing Lavinia hair.

She was sleeping in comfortably laying on Luke's lap. After the high fever she woke up in a weak state. The rain gave them enough drinking water to survive and to store. But after getting her nutrition's back to normal she is fine. Though she and Luke haven't talked yet the atmosphere is very much light.

"She is going to be fine. The wound isn't bleeding like before." Kane said patting Lukes's shoulder as he lied down.

"Hmm... now sleep."

"Rude much."

"How is that rude?"

"I don't know maybe the way you said that."

"I was saying that as the oldest here."

"Say that to her."

"Never mind then." Luke gave up.

Luke can't help but recall how she got her wound. It was because she was being a brat and trying to annoy him. Yesterday she tried to climb up a cliff with Kane despite they both said not to do it. she had woken up with a motive after that fever and she is going to get it done no matter what. and in the contrast, she fell and scratched her hand very badly.

Funny thing is she refused to be treated by Luke knowing well Kane don't know a thing about it. in the end they ended up changing the dressing after she fell asleep. Luke by now has an idea of what she is trying to do, and he couldn't help but find it adorable despite the situation they are in. even if the natural glint in her eyes weren't there anymore.

"My little princess" like muttered closing his eyes.

"Shut up. It makes me gawk." Kane shouted.

"Sounds like your problem."

"Well, it would be if you two love birds stop being lovey."

"You jealous... admit it."

"Gosh these late boomers." Kane said letting out a deep breath.

"Excuse me we are not boomers." Luke said rolling his eyes.

"You are excused." With that Kane closed his eyes letting sleep take over him.

Leaving Luke alone with his weird thoughts. Neither of them knew that they both heard each other's cries that rainy day. and it's better that way. Fate decides when to let them know.

End of chapter thirteen

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