Secret. [8]

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A/N All I wanna say here is that I'm listening to MUSE and FOB while writing this.

K on with the stozza.

"Dan sweetie, will you help me with the cooking please? I would ask Phil but he's doing homework" Lisa sat on my bed.
"Umm, yeah. I'll be down in a minute" I say quietly. She put a hand on my arm
"What's wrong with you two?"
"Phil isn't doing his homework, I know he isn't because you don't normally cry, well unless it's science." She laughed slightly.
"C-crying? C-can I go and see h-him?" I ask, she nods.
"If he lets you in, but he doesn't like people seeing him upset." She smiled sadly at me,

I got up off of my bed and waked out of the door across the hall to Phil's room.
I knock softly on the door.

"Mum, I've told you I'm fine, stop worrying" I could hear his voice was thick with tears.
Instead of talking back to him, I opened the door.

"D-Dan?" He looked up and me and then back at his lap. "What do you want?" He asked harshly. Ouch.
"Your mum said that-"
"Does it matter what she said?" He asked angrily.
"She said that you were crying and I wanted to see you happy" I look down at the floor.
"I am okay, you know" He muttered softly more to himself rather than to me.

I walked over to where he's sitting on his bed and sit down next to him.

"Lion look at me" He shakes his head. "Lion!" I almost shout. He looks up to me.
"Please, why are you upset?"
"It doesn't- oh can I just have a hug? That would make me feel better" He smiled, it was fake, but a smile nonetheless. I pulled my arms around his shoulders and he cwtches into mine, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know that you still have to tell me because I'm not leaving until you tell me" I say quietly into his hair.
"W-what?" He pulls away, looking into my eyes. "I can't Dan." He got up from his bed, grabbed his drawing pad and pencils and sat down on the floor. I dragged myself down to the floor next to him.

"Whatcha drawing?" He just shrugs his shoulders in reply. "Phil, I just want to know what you're drawing. Jeese" I go to get up but Phil grabs my wrist.

"Umm, sorry" He looks back at his drawing.
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you" He looks up at me with regret flashing in his eyes.
"Tell me what?"
"Why I'm down a lot."
"Okay" I sit back down opposite him crossing my legs. He pushes his drawing book out of the way and does the same.


"Awh, Lion. Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I say with my bottom lip quivering.
"I'm sorry Bear" He croaks. "I didn't think you would care" I pull him in for a hug.
"Shut up! Of course I would care" I could feel him smile into my shoulder.

"Dan sweetie, can you come out here a second?" Tim (A/N Did Lisa die or something? Where is she? xD) asked as he peeked his head through the door.
"Yep. Phil let go" He let go and I followed Tim through the door.

He sighed loudly before talking.
"Lisa and I are terribly worried about Phil. Why is he always sad Dan? Do you know? He tells you everything" Tim was on the verge of tears saying this to me, it almost make me tear up.

I put my hand on his shoulder. Risky. "Tim, he just told me something" I pull my hand away. "But I don't know whether he wanted me to tell people or not..." I trail off.
"Dan, could you ask him to talk to me or his mother please? Or maybe you could talk to us? But I don't want you saying anything if Phil isn't comfortable with us knowing yet" He smiled sadly up at me.
"Okay, I'll ask him"

Tim goes downstairs and I debate on whether I should knock on Phil's door or not. I decide against it and just walk in.

"Hey Phil?" He looks up at me.
"Your dad, he asked me if you could talk to him"
"I know, I heard but I just don't know if I'm ready Dan" He stands up and sits on his bed. "I don't mind you telling them though?" He looks up hopefully at me. All I do is nod and leave his room.

How am I going to explain this to his parents. I'll work it out along the way I guess...

A/N Superino! (Omygod that physically hurt me) Anyways... How did you like this chapter?? It would have been up yesterday but my mum took my laptop, I cri evrytim.

Anyone wanna guess what the secret thing is? Idek what it is yet tbf xD Sozz

I'm gonna go now, trahh >~>

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