Saying goodbye. [1]

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"Dan dear!"
"Yes Mother?"
"Are you nearly done packing?"

I am, should I dare say it, excited? No, I'm not excited to be leaving my whole life behind me to go live with another family for so many years until this damned war is over.

I have been chosen by the Lesters, they claim to be nice people and they have a son my age, Phil was it? Ugh, I'm not ready to leave my mum! She's like my best friend, I tell her everything and anything I want! I guess I'll have to get used to it.

"Dan, we have to leave in 2 minutes, hurry up!"
"Okay mum."

I rushed down the stairs in lightening speed to get the bathroom.

"One second mum, just brushing my teeth" I called to her.


"Are you sure you have everything now?"
"Yes mum, stop worrying. I'll be fine!"

My mum is such a fusspot. We are currently standing on the platform waiting for my train to arrive, it's already 4 minutes late!

When the train came to a stop I quickly hugged my mum, said goodbye and hopped onto the train, I couldn't bare a long goodbye or I would just end up sobbing my heart out.

A/N Hey! So I hope this first chapter was okay, I got the idea bc of a lesson we were doing in school today and my mind just kinda went 'Oh my god, phanfic.'

Hope you enjoy the rest of it I guess?

Thanks yas, byee!xx

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