Slumber party gone wrong

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Warning! Kidnapping and swearing

The art is not mine.

"Sunshine~," Sun sang. The girl he was calling out to was at the daycare desk.
"Yes, Sun?" She smiled.
"Do you want to have a sleepover today?" he asked, leaning into the desk.
"A sleepover huh? What's the special occasion?" She giggled. He only wanted to have a sleepover when it was the Holidays.
"There is none but there might be a big snow storm and I want you to stay safe," he tapped his fingers together. She giggled lightly.
"Yeah, sure. We can just play games the whole time," she smiled.
"Yes, yes. Lots of VERY fun games," he emphasized on the very. She finished with her work as Sun finished with cleaning.
"All done," she grinned as she closed her laptop.
"Me too sunrise!" he said excitedly.
"Are you ready to play games?" She asked.
"Yes yes! But! Do you think we can go to my room? We can relax more there because no workers go in there," Sun explained.
"Yeah, of course," she smiled. She had never been in Sun and Moon's room. She was so glad that they trusted her. Sun smiled wider. His rays spinning a little.

Sun picked her up quickly holding her tight as his line clipped onto his back. They lifted into the air. It made Lil yelp a little at being in the air but also at how tight Sun's grip was. It was kind of hurting her but it didn't last long. Soon enough Sun put her down on the balcony. She rubbed her sides a little. She didn't think he did it on purpose. He was probably just super excited.
"What are we going to be playing?" She asked, following him into his room. His room was quite big. There was a big pile of pillows and stuffed animals. Their bed was big and it had no sheets, only a large blanket. There was a medium sized table in the middle of the room. He had already planned this sleepover. How cute.
"We can start with card games then some board games and then some other games!" He smiled wide, getting some games from under his bed. Wait, was that a metal sound? It didn't come from Sun, it was a more heavy metal sound. Maybe she imagined it. He got out things like uno and some playing cards. So they started to play games for hours. About 4 hours to be exact. Lil was exhausted by the end of playing trash. Sun won a lot but Lil won a few times. "That was so fun wasn't it sunshine!" He smiled as he put the games back under his bed.
"Yeah, that was really fun. I'm real tired now though," she sighed.

"Already? But Moony didn't get to play," he frowned, his rays retracting a little.
"I'm sorry Sun, I just don't think I could stay awake," she frowned.
"Fine, fine. But just know Moon said you own him," Sun sighed, patting her head.
"Of course," she giggled.
"You can lay on our bed, we don't mind!" He grinned. She headed to the bed. She laid down on it. It was pretty comfy. "Good night doll," Sun smiled wide. She didn't have time to process the new nickname before she fell asleep. Sun watched her sleep, his head ticking back and forth. She was the most perfect little doll he has ever seen. And he was planning to keep her like a doll.

She slowly started to wake up. She felt a little bit cold. She began to stretch before she noticed her arms were already above her. And she couldn't get them to come down. She also couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. What was happening? Last she could remember she was having a sleepover with Sun. She was getting scared now as she started to struggle. She stopped as she heard Sun/Moon's bells. Maybe they could help her. She tried to say something but it was muffled. She was gagged. She heard the animatronic lean down. She tried to say something again but it was again muffled.

"Oh starlight~" Moon's familiar rough voice said. It made her relax a little bit. But the way he was talking was unnerving. She could feel him climb on top of her. "Poor star~" he smiled. He unclamped Lil's arms. She immediately went to touch her face but Moon grabbed her hands tightly. "Now, now, no need for that. Let's get you out from under here first," he chuckled. Under here? Where the hell was she? She yelped when she felt herself being dragged out from under wherever she was. Moon then lifted her up by her waist and put her on a bed? Was she under their bed? She tried to talk again. "Do you want to talk doll?" He laughed with his raspy laugh. She nodded. "Alright," he smiled. He removed the gag.

"Moon, why on earth was I under your bed gagged, blindfolded, and chained up?" She asked quickly. Moon lightly ghosted over her ribs causing her to shiver.
"It's a game~ I didn't want to wait until next time to play so I'm keeping you here. Then me and Sun can play with you whenever we want," he explained, touching her ribs more. It was making her uncomfortable. She thought about his words. Did they kidnap her?
"Moon, you can't just kidnap someone. We can play all the time if you want," she tried to smile. The laugh that came out of him was nothing short of demented.
"Oh starlight, I'm afraid you don't understand," he smiled. He lifted up her shirt a little. He went down and nibbled on her abdomen making her squeak.

"We want to play games that you would probably run away if we played. Like for example. I really want to bite down on all of your body parts. The game would be you would try not to scream. And if you did I would break one of your bones. Starting small at first of course," he rambled with a big grin on his face. Lil's blood ran cold. She started to shake hard and she started to cry. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Moon twitched a little. "Ah-Sun cut it out! It's not your turn," Moon growled. He continued to twitch. "Fine, fine! Just cut it out," Moon got up quickly. Lil jumped from the yelling. "See you later doll~" Moon smiled before turning the lights on.

Lil wanted to get up, to move, but she was frozen from what she heard. She could see the light from her blindfold.
"Oh sunshine," Sun said, coming over to her. She was still shaking. Sun took off Lil's blindfold. She winced from the light. "I'm so sorry about Moon, sunrise. He was just getting over excit-" he was saying before Lil started yelling.
"Get away from me! Please just let me go! I-I don't," Lil backed away and started to cry hard. "I don't want to die," she whined curling into a ball.
"Oh Lil, we would never kill you. Moon shouldn't have said that. He was just trying to scare you a little," Sun reached out for Lil. Despite Lil flinching away, Sun pet her head. "You're going to be just fine doll. We will take very good care of you," Sun said warmly. His words didn't calm her.

"I-I don't want to go back under the bed. I don't want to see Moon. I don't want to be here," she whimpered.
"Sunshine, I promise Moon won't do anything. He's just stupid and doesn't think before he speaks," Sun growled the last part. Sun took Lil's hand and kissed it. "It's all going to be okay," he smiled.
"I-Isn't the daycare supposed to be open?" she asked, still shaking.
"They closed it due to the storm," Sun explained.
"Where's my stuff?" Lil asked quickly.
"Doll, I really can't tell you. But don't worry! If you stay good you can get your phone back! Of course with some limits," Sun's rays spun. Lil looked down. She really didn't want to be here. "I know this is hard. Don't worry Moon and I will take care of you," he cupped Lil's cheek. She felt herself starting to cry more. Sun wiped away her tears. "Now, you're probably hungry. It is 11 and you haven't eaten since 6 yesterday night," he got up.

"This will be a test to see if you can stay good. If you don't leave well I'm getting you food then you don't have to go back under the bed understand?" Sun smiled. She nodded. "Great! I'll be right back!" he yelled as he jumped off the balcony. Now what? Maybe just stay on their good sides. Sun was way less threatening than Moon. The fact she thought she knew them was what hurt. The fact that breaking her was probably always on Moon's mind scared her. She just wanted to go home. Right when she was going to start to cry again the lights went out. It made her jump.
The speakers started saying, "Do not panic. The lights have gone out due to a storm overhead. The generators will allow the kitchen to work but the heat is down." Great. Lil was just in her uniform that wasn't great at blocking the cold. Lil started shaking because she knew Moon would be out now. And she has no idea when Sun will be back due to the lights.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! This is my first time writing about Sun and Moon and I hope I did alright. Have a good day!

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