The Protective cylinder isn't very good at protecting

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Warning: death, blood

She started to turn on some of the tech. It was pretty loud so Lil covered her ears. Sun hated how loud it could get especially since what they were hearing was 5x less bad than what he was.
M: You doing okay Sunny?
Sun nodded his head. He couldn't talk right now. The tech started and it started to fix Sun. It would hurt if his pain sensors weren't turned off. He winched from the tech forcing him around.
M: We are almost done Sun, you're doing good.
Sun closed his eyes tight just waiting for it to be over.
"Is he okay," Lil asked loudly in concern.
"It's not hurting him, he just really doesn't like to be manhandled," she yelled back. The horrible tech stopped as they finished. The noise stopped and it was just completely silent for a moment until Sun groaned. The doors opened but Sun stayed there. Lil looked at Sarah and she nodded her head. Lil ran to Sun and touched his arm.
"Sun? How are you feeling?" Lil asked as Sun opened his eyes.
"I-I'm fine sunshine, I'm just a b-bit frazzled," Sun sat up.

Then the pain started again. He doubled over groaning in pain. Lil panicked and looked over to Sarah for help.
"Sun, do you want me to turn off your pain sensors?" Sarah asked.
"N-No just—let Moon out," Sun groaned. Sarah went over to the light switch and she switched it. Lil quit touching Sun as he started to change to Moon. Moon opened his eyes and he stretched a little.
"You doing good Moon?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, I'm good," Moon said looking down at Lil. Lil looked concerned and worried. "It's alright moonlight, Sun's fine," Moon smiled softly at Lil.
"I know, he just looked like he was in a lot of pain," she frowned.
"He was in quite a bit but he can't feel pain when he's not out," Moon said getting up. "Come on, let's go back—I mean, you should go back home," Moon smiled nervously.
"You know I'm not dumb Moon. You should know that at this point. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you guys are dating a human," Sarah smirked. Lil started to blush and she looked away.

"Right, haha you know me too well. Anyway, let's go," Moon took Lil's hand and started to leave. "Thank you Sarah," Moon smiled.
"Anytime," Sarah waved as they left. They were walking to the daycare.
"Hey Moon?" Lil asked.
"Yes firefly," Moon looked down at her.
"I hate to ask this but....have you ever killed anyone well in the protective cylinder?" Lil asked nervously. Moon quit walking for a second. He thought back to a different time.

Moon was shocked as he was forced to keep walking.
"This damn thing needs to cooperate!" A man pushing him yelled.
"Just keep him going so we can put him in the cylinder," the man with the taser frowned. Moon growled lowly and tried to claw at the people. He was tased again and he yelled out in pain. They got to the cylinder and they pushed him in. "We have to turn off his motor controls so we can get him in the chair," the one with the taser said. Moon was tased again and the other man quickly started to mess with the back of his head. Moon struggled and ended up hitting one of the guys in the eye before not being able to move. He slumped forward onto the one with the taser. "Maybe help me!" He yelled.
"Fuck, I can't believe that thing hit me in the eye," he helped move Moon onto the table. They strapped him in quickly and he wasn't fully strapped in all the way.

"Let's just hurry this up," the one with the taser walked out. The other guy was trapped in the protective cylinder with Moon. He started to work on him as the other guy watched. Moon struggled in his head to move. But his body just wouldn't......until...... the guy messed up on something, Moon could move again and he undid the bindings quickly. The guy had no time to move when Moon jumped at him, clawing at him. The guy screamed in pain as his chest got ripped open. He could feel his ribcage break as he finally died as Moon ended up crushing his heart. There was a low, deep, growl from Moon as blood covered him. He beat on the door as the guy with the taser stared at him frozen with horror. He ran off to go get help. Moon took deep breaths as he looked at what he did.
S: Moon! Moon! Can you hear me now?!
Moon looked at his hands that were covered in blood.
"That felt——good," Moon grinned. He started to laugh.
S: Moon? Are you okay?!
"Oh, I'm better than ever. You really should try that Sun. It felt magical," Moon laughed maniacally.
S: Moon no! We are going to get in trouble!
"Oh that's fine. He f—ked up so it's not my fault," Moon looked to see that a group of police officers were outside the cylinder.
S: Moon! Swearing!
Moon just grinned as he looked at all the officers. They looked at him in horror and honestly Moon didn't care.

Moon snapped out of his thoughts and he looked down at Lil. She was waiting patiently for him to answer.
"I'll be honest and say yes. Though I had a good reason for it," Moon said. Lil nodded and they got to the daycare.
"Has Sun done it?" Lil asked. Moon grabbed her and picked her up causing her to jump. He took her up to the room.
"No, not in there," he answered simply.
"Got it," Lil sighed as she sat on the bed. "I don't quite understand why they would turn off your safety protocols. It seems just overly dumb and that it's just gotten people hurt," Lil frowned.
"Who knows, Fazbear is dumb so it's not too surprising," Moon sat next to Lil. Lil sighed. Moon looked at Lil. "I know everything is kind of crazy," Moon said.
"Yeah, but at least I'm not living a boring life," She smiled. "Oh! Also, should we be worried about what Sarah said?" Lil asked, messing with her fingers a little.
"No, hopefully not. She stays mostly to herself," Moon answered. "One second, I just," Moon grabbed Lil's face carefully and lightly kissed her. She made a surprised noise before accepting it. Moon giggled as he quit kissing her.

"What was that for?" Lil blushed.
"You just looked kissable," Moon smiled. Lil hit him covering her face.
"Baldy," Lil looked away.
"Rude," Moon growled in her ear. She huffed and smiled.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while school has been kicking my butt. I hope you enjoyed! Byeeee

1164 words

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